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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Former Councilwoman Prettyman Pays $850,000.00, Moves To Florida

Price cut: -$225,000 (1/6)



Located on the Wicomico River in exclusive West Nithsdale. This home plan is adapted from the ''George Wythe'' home in Williamsburg, Virginia. Home features over 7,500 sq. ft. of gracious living. From the front entry there's a 16' x 36' center hall. The stairway is exquisite with custom wainscoting, elaborate chair rail and ceiling moldings. Master suite has an arched wall of glass overlooking the river. The ground level contains the drive through garage with elevator to all levels. Call now for your private tour.


  1. They need to power wash that brick.

  2. Laura Mitchell will trade pills for waterfront.

  3. Thanks to her BS on the Council, the value of her McMansion has plummeted.

  4. I'll let my friends know you're in the real estate advertising business.Thanks for the heads up.

  5. What did she pay 850,000 for???

  6. lmao, 1.2 mil? who the hell around here can afford to spend that kind of money just to be located on one of the most polluted rivers on the east coast! good riddance stevie!

  7. She posts on Facebook all her richs. Sad

  8. Yes they were originally trying to double the price and have recently lowered it over $200k. Maybe this delusional attitude about the value of their property explains some of her RINO votes. If she had voted like a real republican and influenced her drinking buddy Hall to do the same, maybe she should have made more money on her property. She has helped put Wicomico in the hole it is in and she expects to make a big profit on her house? Disgusting!

  9. I.can't even sell my house for 250,000 let alone a million.

  10. It's a darling house, though it is missing one accompaniment, of significant importance, when asking so much for your residence. The missing accompaniment is privacy in the form of acreage.
    I think $700,000-maybe $800,000 is a more realistic asking price.

  11. Hey Mike Pretl:

    This one's for you, pal. Your place on the water in Riverton is just a mini-McMansion

  12. Apparently several bank owned homes in Nithsdale are being rented out under Section 8 standards & prices by the out of town banks that own them!

  13. Your tax money at work!

  14. 2:56pm Hey, watch it now. I live in Nithsdale and I can tell you there are NOT Section 8 renters in my neighborhood. Get your facts straight.

  15. I like that idea...Nithsdale section 8 rentals available? may get some of those lazy demoturds to leave. And republicans to vote..

  16. Don't be so sure of that 4:48. There are several rentals in the area and unless you are privy to the info you have no idea who is receiving government rental assistance and who is not. I had a house in Northern VA where you can't touch a 2000 sq ft house for under $600,000 and rented it to a single mother. She paid a portion of the rent and the government picked up the rest.
    She was actually a very good tenant and lived in the house for about 10 years. At one point I even lower the rent so she wouldn't leave because I didn't feel like dealing with the house. She only left when I decided to sell the place during the boom.

  17. Surprised Mackes, Pollitt, Strasborg and Creamer didn't buy it as an executive retreat or park. She worked hard to give them everything they wanted. Abandoned all principles for the sake of feeling liked by those low lifes. They used her and she is too self-absorbed to get it, but boy the rest of us do.

  18. 1:20 she was always a bragger. Got worse the older she got. I guess she never realized that what you do in life is more important than what you get in life. If she thinks her role on the county council is her legacy - oh it is, we'll all remember her Bennett vote. That is just one of many betrayals to her constituents and her party.

  19. 4:48 doesn't really know if there are section 8 renters or not.
    He's just praying that its not true.
    Please God......

    4:48....I'm kidding ya.

  20. Very nice house, but not worth that price, with the land and acreage and the fact that it is located in a tax hell!

  21. Just looked at all the photos -- beautiful inside and out. Didn't even know homes like this existed in Salusbury.

  22. I hope it doesn't sell and just sits there and sits there a little bit longer. Who can afford such a McMansion anyway?

  23. Nice house I guess I should have hooked up with her when she offered lol

  24. I understand that the shoe rack in the home contains a lot of 'flip flops'

    Kind of matches her voting record - wouldn't you say.

  25. Why is it that just because she was in politics that people have to bash them for selling a house. Whats different about them selling a house versus any of us. Yes the price/value may be more but isnt it the same principal. Honestly are people thinking that the small amount of wages she made while working on the council paid for that house. Has everyone forgot that she has a husband. Couldnt he have contributed a good portion?????


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