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Friday, January 02, 2015

Florida Deputy Supervises Father Spanking Daughter

OKEECHOBEE, Fla. —A father said he wanted to discipline his daughter by paddling her, but did not want to break the law, so he called the Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Office to come supervise.

The man’s 12-year-old daughter got into a heated argument with her sister Monday, and the father wanted to discipline his daughter, according to a deputy’s report. A deputy came over to his house, supervised the discipline, and determined it was within legal bounds and that there was no crime, and left, authorities said.

Although it may sound bizarre to some parents, the sheriff’s office has received several similar requests in the past. Undersheriff Noel Stephen said he has personally supervised approximately 12 spankings.



  1. Spank a LIBERAL then waterboard them.

  2. This is so stupid on so many levels, and so against the 4th.The police have no place between me and my childrens' upbringing.

  3. He called the police...they didn't just show up randomly....please read people

  4. This is the definition of a nanny state. Unbelievable.

  5. 7:20, if you're addressing 6:01, I did read fully, and have the right to spank my kids when they misbehave without having to call in the police as witnesses. This is not what I pay my police departments for, and it's work they should not accept.

    There are two distinct ways to make decisions. One is out of Love. The other is out of Fear.

    I choose Love.

    The idiot calling the cop as a witness is doing so out of fear, and it's probably because he's afraid he's a bad decision maker.

  6. I think that this day and time this was the smart thing to do for that father. That kid could have gone to school and claimed sex abuse.


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