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Sunday, January 04, 2015

FBI Investigating Fatal Dog Shooting In Glen Burnie Park

GLEN BURNIE, Md. - An FBI agent shot and killed a dog in a park in Glen Burnie Friday morning after, a spokeswoman from the bureau said, the dog broke free from its owner and attacked the agent’s dog. (See statement below.)

Carol Feldhaus still had blood on her hands when Anne Arundel County police began setting up crime scene caution tape across a footbridge near Hopkfins Corner in a Glen Burnie park.

Feldhaus was in town visiting her daughter for the holidays. She said she was walking her daughter’s 5-year-old great Dane, named Fynn, alongside her 4-year-old grandson Friday morning.



  1. Heartbreaking indeed but a legit shooting.Aggressive dogs need to be adequately restrained.

  2. so the FBI or any cop can shoot a dog for attacking their dog but God help you if you do it and you have no video of it going on you will be charged with animal abuse
    But i just remembered you cant carry a gun on you when you walk your dog can you

  3. Replies
    1. Or let the k-9 officer go " hands on with the perp who was unarmed? The dog is a cop. His attacker another dog wasn't armed. It was for all intensive proposes a fist fight! Let the super cop dog handle his bad ass cop self and move on! Or like you said!!!! Mace!

  4. 10:52-Good point,especially when the officer carried mace.

  5. I got mace at gander mt for when I walk my dog. Most intelligent people do.

  6. A couple of things:
    Instead of telling him to wait, she should have.
    I NEVER let anyone other than me walk my dog, and this is why.

  7. 11:38 said...

    "I NEVER let anyone other than me walk my dog, and this is why"

    Really, you EXPECT someone with a gun to be there to shoot a dog?

  8. If a 180 lb great dane was attacking my dog and i had a gun, i would shoot it too. They should of had better control of their dog. Joe you said "Really, you EXPECT someone with a gun to be there to shoot a dog?", did the person walking the little dog expect a 180 lb dog to be there to attack their dog. They have a right to walk their dog in peace and a right to defend their dog if attacked.

  9. This is exactly why people really don't care much about leo's. It contributes to the incidences in the next article down.

  10. Broke free or was running free? I cannot believe how many irresponsible people I encounter while walking my dog and their dog is running free. Very dangerous for all involved.

  11. This is the sort of thing that is firing the fatal shots at LE. While the Ferguson and Long Island, et. al. incidents are full bore frontpage and touted to be the genesis of cop shootings, it is this sort of incident that turns the heads of non-supporters.
    If LE is going to 'turn their backs' on what the general populace requires as a 'common sense' approach to law enforcement, there will be no amount of 'community dialogue' that can bridge the void and we'll read more about 'the war on cops'.
    The ball's in their court now.

  12. I pray a local cop shoots my dog. He is my kid. Loves and protects me with his life. Almost died so in Kentucky when I was attacked by a boar. Just think about that officers when you shoot dogs. Eventually one owner loves his dog " to death"!

  13. If you cannot control a large breed dog, then don't have the animal. Otherwise, have a more suitable environment for the dog to use the outdoors (fenced in area, run, large private property, etc.)

    Having been the subject of a dog attack from a Chesapeake Bay Retriever, some breeds can tear you a new one. That dog wanted to eat me and I was on my own property working in the yard. That'll never happen again...ever.

    If you cannot control it, you should not own it.

  14. When the LEOs left the scene 5 hours later and were asked about the current status of the agents dog, they stated that the other dog suffered a superficial puncture and will recover.


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