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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Ever Wonder What It's Like To Run Salisbury News?

Welcome to my world at 5:00 AM.


  1. Thanks for all you do, Joe! Without your blog this area would be in the dark totally. I only wish there wasn't so much hatred spewed but I suppose we have to take the bad with all the positive things you provide.

  2. 9:08, Thank You. Think about this for a minute, if you would.

    Let's go back almost 10 years when I started publishing all of the Police Reports, when no other media source would do.

    After a year or two of putting it out there people would say, Joe, where did ALL that crime come from? My response was, it's always been there. The problem has been, no one ever let you know it. And WHY didn't the press let you know, it doesn't sell papers.

    That being said, yes, there are some very hateful comments at times, I agree. The thing is, just like in the past, because the rest of the Media forces you to log in and use your name, no one really knows how people really feel about our community because they are too afraid to publish their name in fear of retaliation. Lord knows, we've seen enough retaliation from elected officials and department heads over the years.

    So when you see a high volume of people expressing their disgust, PEOPLE ARE PISSED.

    While we may not like seeing it, it's real and people are fed up. At least we provide a format for people to vent.

  3. It is great what you do for all of us here, but you shouldn't be such a censor on comments you don't agree with or don't like the tone of. 1st. amendment speech is supposed to be free from censorship.

  4. 9:18, Perhaps now with the image I've provided you can see the volume of comments that come through, and that's just overnight.

    Yes, there are times we make a mistake and hit reject instead of publish, we're human. However, a LOT of comments that come in are just not going to see the light of day. Stay away from the personal attacks. Stop trying to get racist comments published and there are a LOT of them we reject. Curse words are probably the #2 rejected comments. Capital letters in an entire comment, rejected. Then there's the completely off topic comments. Stay civil people and you'll see more of your comments and remember, this is a FREE service. We spend more time per day running this Website then you'll ever believe. We have to read ALL of these comments and that in itself is a full time job, let alone reading articles all day long, going to events, taking pictures, answering phone calls and text messages, WE'RE VERY BUSY seven days a week.

  5. When will you file a Freedom of Information request on the mayor for all correspondences, emails and minutes from meetings on how crime stats are collected in salisbury. You should target the the command staff, mayor and the crime analyst to see the real picture.

  6. 9:29, Ireton will do everything in his power to delay ANY FOIA request I put in. I'll not waste my time.

    Now, if YOU are so concerned, why don't YOU put in a FOIA request?

    I think it's very obvious, crime is much worse than the Mayor will ever admit, just like the last Mayor and staff who LIED to the public by denying there were any gangs in Salisbury.

    If you take Ireton at face value, he's not goiong to admit there are major issues. He wants you to believe crime is down. Yes, murders and rapes. However, theft, B&E and so forth are at record highs.

    The quality of life in Salisbury is just horrible but they don't care. Bring in some more apartments, condos, subsidized housing, lipstick on a pig is all it is. In the end crime will rise even more and businesses will keep running away. Tilghman and Ireton have destroyed Salisbury but you have to look even deeper, is it on PURPOSE???????

  7. Joe, it sounds like from what you say here, that the people are very upset and mad about the crimes in Salisbury, the current government, and race relations. Ever thought about doing a comparison on comments from 10 years ago, to now and put it together as a real artical? I would bet it is very interesting to see how things have changed.

  8. 11:12, I really don't think the TONE of people have changed over the past 10 years. People are upset and have been.

    And why shouldn't they be. Your elected officials have covered up crime all these years and attacked me, sued me and defamed me every single day because I had the stones to expose them with the TRUTH, hence my WIN every time they came after me. I never LIED and it was proven in court I in fact told the TRUTH.

    You people should be fired up at the local media. They kiss elected officials a$$es. They're not serving their customers, YOU. They're serving the almighty advertising dollar and that's it.

    Heck, even WBOC never told you there were 975 employees a year ago at Labinol. Nothing about the meeting at the Chamber. No Jobs Reports showing how bad things have been the past 3 years. They simply report what elected officials tell them to report. No numbers from the $975,000,000.00 grant the state gave out and the 400 additional jobs they promised to deliver to Salisbury.

    Yeah, I may be harsh here at Salisbury News but the TRUTH here is HARSH.

    We grow in numbers here every single day and they keep dropping. People are sick and tired of only being told a little bit of the whole picture. They're catching on that while we may deliver information we ALL don't want to hear, it's the truth.

    Would I like to walk into a room and enjoy a warm reception, absolutely. However, I knew what I was getting into when I started this thing and quite frankly, those who shy away can kiss my rear end. They're afraid of me for a reason and once I see how they act, well, I pay even more attention to them down the road.

    All in all though, nothing has changed.

  9. Pretty much blows away JT's theory that you make up your own comments. Thanks for clearing that up.

  10. I bet half of those comments are from fatboy.


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