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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

European Law Enforcement Agencies: On Second Thought, Maybe Firearms Would Be Helpful

When witnesses in the same building as Charlie Hebdo saw masked men with heavy weaponry enter the building they called police, like anyone in their position would do. But the three unarmed officers on bikes who showed up proved to be most unhelpful in the situation.

According to the witness, the officers had to retreat after seeing the men were heavily armed.

That wasn’t the only instance during the three-day terror spree where police found themselves utterly unprepared to take on the jihadists.

The 27-year-old policewoman who was gunned down just south of Paris while attending a traffic accident was unarmed, as was her partner, who could do nothing to stop the gunman.



  1. I guess France would send astronauts to space without oxygen or a spacesuit.


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