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Monday, January 12, 2015

Did a Public Obligation Keep Obama From Attending Paris Rally? His Sunday Schedule Spells It Out

As you know President Obama opted out of attending the huge rally in Paris Sunday that attracted nearly 4 million people who stood up for freedom of speech and expression in the face of terrorism. Islamic extremists murdered 17 people there since Wednesday.

Some 50 world leaders attended Sunday’s rally, and the White House was closed mouthed about the president’s no-show.

So Bill Kristol tried to get to the bottom of it, tweeting: “I figured President Obama must have been awfully busy not to go to Paris today. So I checked out his schedule…”



  1. He would never make negative comments about his own religion. Remember, all those pictured are leaders of their respective countries. All Obama has ever been is a community organizer.

  2. I can't help but think that if he had gone, today we'd be talking about what a colossal waste of money was spent on AirForce One and all the security just so he could have a 20 minute photo op. Not really sure that anything Obama does or does not do would not result in criticism here.

  3. Just goes to show what everyone has been saying about (I can't think of anything nice to say here, so, the person that has been living in OUR white house)for so long. He is not interested in the American way and our safety, period. POS!!!

  4. He had NOTHING on his schedule for that day.POS.

  5. He has time to meet with an NBA team today, however.

  6. People easily forget that not long ago there was a Royal Wedding in England and Obama was not invited. That's because in a visit earlier he pissed of the Queen with his arrogance.


  7. The resident was glued to the tube watching sports; obviously far more important than making an appearance where he wouldn't hog the spotlight.

    In his mind since it occurred at a workplace it was just more workplace violence.


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