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Friday, January 16, 2015

Concealed carry permit [Poll]

Should Gov.-elect Larry Hogan select a new state police superintendent who is likely to make it easier to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon in Maryland?
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  1. You have to pass a background check for a handgun so why is it so hard? Also why does Maryland not recognize other States Right to carry? Why is Corrections not in the same category as Police?

  2. Just imagine how the crime rate in Slimbury would go down.

  3. Didn't work, so I went there. Yeah, 97% and more for it!

    It's a no brainer for Citizens, which really describes our legislators who passed the restrictive laws! I call them "No-Brainers".

  4. I am not a cop but ALL correction officers should carry a weapon off duty. EVEN NYC does and there libs.

  5. ALL people should be allowed to carry and own.

  6. Who thinks they need a cop or a politician to say they can use and exercise their rights?
    Don't ask someone's PERMISSION to carry, especially when THEY carry all the time.
    And can't hit ANYTHING without using 40-60 rounds.
    Most people I know can hit you in the head at 30 yards with ONE shot. And we need cops to give us their PERMISSION !??) to protect ourselves? That's beyond funny.
    On another note, Hogan was "your guy" right? And I told you he was just another angle on the same face.
    Lets see how he does on taxes, job growth, privacy, gun control, etc., that he said he was going to "change".
    Talk is cheap, but when you are a politician, its plentiful. They spend the great majority of their time counting money and looking for more so they repeat the same cycle of behavior. Except for "your guy", who works 80 hrs a week, volunteers 80 hrs a week, and never takes a bribe or a favor.

    Keep cheering.

  7. "Keep cheering."

    So, wtf are YOU doing about anything?

    Keep whining.

  8. I just got another gun. That might help soon, huh?
    One thing is for sure --- I'm not crowing about how special or different my newest political savior is....
    The truth hit a nerve with you??
    See if Hogan does what he promised, or just what you wanted to hear. THAT will be the tale of the tape, son. That's all that counts.
    In the meantime, keep cheering.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Keep cheering."

    So, wtf are YOU doing about anything?

    Keep whining.

    January 17, 2015 at 12:38 PM

    The same question can be pointed at YOU. What are you doing, besides busting on other people for voicing their opinions?


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