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Friday, January 23, 2015

Company Creates Anonymous Texting Program To Report Bullying, Other School Behaviors

It's a program with a very basic concept: Using text messaging to report bullying. One school district says the simple idea is bringing big results.

"We have conversation after conversation of students telling us that this is a life saver-- they were at wits end," said Alvin Butler Sr., President and CEO of Text2Them.

It's a life saver, he says, right at the students' fingertips.

"That avenue, whether it's cyberbullying, whether it's smoking weed, or whether it's bullying on the school bus-- no matter-- it doesn't matter," Butler said. "Because they can pull out their cellphone and they can send a text message at any time. Even while it's going on."


1 comment:

  1. Oh, great idea... So the accused can't face their accuser? Someone doesn't like your shoes... report them "anonymously" for bullying.


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