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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Charlie Hebdo Special Edition Featuring Muhammad Cover Goes on Sale

PARIS — Thousands of Parisians lined up at dawn on Wednesday to secure their copy of the defiant special edition of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo featuring a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad on its cover.

One newsstand limited customers to two copies each, while others sold out within minutes of opening.

Working out of borrowed offices, surviving staff published an unprecedented print run of 3 million copies — more than 50 times the usual circulation — in several languages, including English. It appeared one week to the day after the assault on an editorial meeting by two masked gunmen that killed 12 people, including chief editor Charb and other cartoonists.



  1. I'm sure that our country, correction(obama's country)will not support or help France in any way.
    If we do not take part in revenging this cruel slaughter we will be lost.

  2. I wish I could get a copy to frame. I would proudly hang it in my house.

  3. It went on sale and has already sold out. They are now trying to publish another 2 million copies.

    Try ebay. I bet you will pay a hefty price for it though.

  4. As the world becomes victims of this cult religion , I see more acceptance .
    The behavior of this country is sick , we will be victims until we take a stand.

  5. The US has supported France. The President erred in not going to the very large tribute march this weekend. The reporters, editors and publishers of Charlie Hebdo are true examples of heroes for the freedom of speech. They also have very large stones.

  6. On ebay 21 bids up to $355-7 hours left

    Other selling them for $4.99. Sold over 700. I'd be concerned. How was someone able to acquire so many when most news stands are limiting customers to 2 copies.


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