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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Breaking News: Large Group Fight In Progress

*Police Alert*
Large Group Fight in Progress

900 block of Booth Street

Several 911 callers stated that a group of 20-30 people are actively fighting. Salisbury and Wicomico have several units responding. Unknown if there is any weapons.



  2. It would be safe to assume there are weapons

  3. i'm sure it will be on youtube tonight

  4. And they wonder why...

  5. Saturday night in the bury.

  6. Local WMDT dropped the story like a hot potato. They said it was reported but when the police arrived there was no evidence. No decent reporting there...I turned here immediately. This is the only place to get a full story.

  7. Why not just let them fight it out, maybe until they're too darned tired to fight anymore. Jeez, it seems to be a lifestyle.

  8. let them kill each other and arrest the survivors

  9. Let them fight it out. Let nature take its course. Darwin lives.

  10. It is the law of the jungle, let the animals kill each other, and the fittest survives.

  11. Law arrived, fighters flew.

    Saw on FOX where DC held Sea of Blue rally today - WBOC had video on 7 PM News of the Sea of Blue Rally held in Dover today. Sadly neither were well attended.

    As usual our Officers went when called, As usual folks ridicule them for trying to keep our communities safe. There can never be respect again as long as children are taught to be disrespectful.

    1. I see no ridicule of police. Stop making this a cop hating issue.

  12. It is more important to keep the peace and hope that this type of activity does not spread. That neighborhood tonight...yours tomorrow. Stop it today.

  13. Thank you, SPD. Some people pound on you all the time. Duncan has admitted that there are gangs. Our officers have been making the arrests. Be part of the solution and show up in juvenile court on Tuesday mornings to let the judges see that we are fed up with law breaking thugs and need their support. Thank you Judge Sarbanes for getting tougher.

  14. Duncan knows who is in the gangs, arrest them and have them join a new gang, the chain-gang!!

  15. Courts need to wake up!

  16. Everybody relax. This is nothing more than "culling of the herd". We'll make believe that we care. We'll make believe that we are so very concerned.
    But we really don't care.
    If those idiots want to waste each other, go for it.
    We won't stand in the way.

  17. When is the next town-sponsored downtown event. I really want to go to that now!
    Salisbury had better get a grip on this stuff. NOW.

    1. So true...beautiful downtown, where the only businesses that survive are the ones frequented by the low lifes who live nearby.

  18. "Saw on FOX where DC held Sea of Blue rally today - WBOC had video on 7 PM News of the Sea of Blue Rally held in Dover today. Sadly neither were well attended."

    Maybe it's because people are distrustful of the anti police crowd and fear revenge.
    Ferguson was a wake up call to how utterly barbaric and savage like these people truly are.
    Animals are more civilized.
    If they want racism and discrimination and profiling to stop then they need to themselves evolve into civilized human beings. Just look at the way they kill each other. They don't value or respect anything including life.

  19. The natives are restless and it hasn't even warmed up yet...this could be an ugly summer!

  20. Hey Liarton --

    This could be a regular monthly episode -- call it turd Saturday!

  21. All will be well tomorrow when they go to the civic center for a free meal even transportation is provided. I will be celebrating the birthday of the great southern general Robert E Lee on 1/19/2015 and will be providing my own meal on my dime.

    1. It's not your dime providing tomorrow's free meal in celebration of a great man who believed in equality for all. Glad your dime is providing your meal because I wouldn't donate a penny to it.

  22. Once we STOP giving out ALL the freebies to the family of these thugs maybe they will go back to Baltimore,Philadelphia and Washington DC where they came from!!!

  23. Barb needs to kick Liarton in the balls he is useless. How can anyone support him he is a complete failure as a Mayor. I am sure he has done well for the B.O.E. but this guy is making the city worse. Why is the city putting 53 year old women through the police academy is that a good investment Jimbo and Barb. I guess when no one wants to apply at that crap hole you take what you can get. So in ten year she can collect S.S. I just dont get it. I am sure she is a good person but the police academy really ???? She will be 78 before she can retire WTF people. I do not doubt this women for a minute god speed and good luck. I am sure she is an awesome person. I just dont get the mentality of SPD

  24. MLK would be so proud of these 'Good Boys'. Way to usher in his birthday!

  25. The same Robert E. Lee who freed his slaves and fought in the Confederacy because he he loved his state. Not because he believed in the other nonsense. Funny, I know your history better than you. Read a book or at least look at the pictures.


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