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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Bob Schieffer Asks WH on Tax Proposal: 'Is This for Real?'

"Face the Nation" host Bob Schieffer seemed as skeptical as anyone about whether President Barack Obama's plan to propose tax increases of $320 billion is actually something the White House believes will happen under a Republican-led Congress when he asked Obama senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer about it on Sunday's program.

"Do you in any way, shape or form believe that a new Republican Congress is going to do what a Congress that had Democrats and Republicans in control would not do?" Schieffer said. "I mean, is this for real? Do you really think there is a chance that something like this could pass?"


1 comment:

  1. The "real" aspect -- Bammy is setting the Republicans up for defeat in 2016 -- if they don't do tax increase this year it will add to the "party of rich" mantra, and so will Mitt Romney if he runs again.


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