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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Black Teacher Breaks Up A Soon To Be Fight In The Classroom LIKE A BOSS


  1. Awesome. At Mardela High School, you just look the wrong way they sending you to "ISS" (in school suspension). Where Mr. Ramey sits there all day and gets paid for teachers sending them to him. ABSOLUTELY WASTE OF TAX MONEY! literally, teachers send kids to him all day long! Not for serious offense, just raising your voice will get you there!

    1. Serious problems with the schools in Mardela. North western and the high school.
      And have you ever seen a student body with so many homosexuals? Mardela has issues!

  2. Maybe if more teachers would take control of their class like this gentleman did, they would learn a little respect in the classroom.


  4. If these kids had mothers and fathers in their home who actually raised them perhaps the teachers would have time to teach.

    1. Give it a break. This man knows how to be a teacher. Try it sometime! Earn your money! This man does!

  5. This teacher was amazing, he regained control of his class. Not saying that this should be an every day occurrence. It is a shame that teachers have to do this at times, but that would you signed up for. If Teachers don't want to be teachers, change profession. Can't group all children into "one prejudice category". There are very loving homes with very loving parents. Life happens! They both might just have great parents. Who are we to judge!

  6. Most of the kids at school have respect for us teachers. There are a few that have absolutely no respect for anybody. They act like animals. They attack 83 year old men and rob taxi drivers. But remember, most do a great job and act appropriately. We just need someplace to put the bad ones while we teach the others. If we could get rid of about 10% the schools would be great.

    1. I thought it was half n half? I wish you teachers would at least get on the same page.

  7. I'm willing to bet this man makes less then our teachers do! And seems like he does a better job then most.

  8. Let's see, 10% of the students are incorrigible, and 10 % of our schools are in disrepair and suck.

    Lets put the 10% in the 10%, lock the doors and not teach them anything and make it a requirement that they teach themselves, 24-7.

    Give them a goal to reach is all.

    And make it equal to a diploma. How they reach this is their challenge for release.

    That allows hose who want to learn, the opportunity.

  9. Nobody seems to comment on the two animals that wanted to fight.
    Complete scum!

  10. he was lucky that both did not turn against him.. what would he have done, then....???

  11. former MMHS employeeJanuary 15, 2015 at 7:35 PM

    Mardela and Northwestern are both great schools. They are two neighborhood schools whose teachers care about the students.

    Mr. Ramey does a great job. If a student doesn't have work to do, they hand-copy from a boring magazine. Students do not want to go to ISS at Mardela.

    All schools have problems. Mardela's problem isn't who is dating whom but that it is too small to offer more curriculum choices for a higher level of education. The bigger problem is that the county sees Mardela as the PERFECT place to bus kids who misbehave so much at in town schools, administrators send them to Mardela to remove them from their gang.

  12. oh great! So, the answer to "gang members" is to infest Mardela High School who is known NOT to have gangs!! Whose idea was this? Parents at Mardela High School should be OUTRAGED!!!!

  13. Mr. Ramey is verbally abusive to children!! Why would Wicomico County Board of Education allow such a thing!

  14. Keep thinking Mardela schools are so great. Keep thinking the town is. Something is in the water out there. Maybe the power plant in Vienna is screwing with the Ecosystem. All I know is things aren't right in that town.


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