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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Black Protesters Storm NYC Restaurants to Target and Harrass White Customers

Black protesters targeted White people eating brunch today at multiple New York City restaurants in a sickening, coordinated racist action they called #BlackBrunch.

On the same day that the NYPD buried two of its officers who were executed by anti-police protester Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley, his former brethren joined hands and screamed racial epithets at White customers, even bringing one woman to tears.



  1. Why dont these Thugs apply for a job while in there bc they love there WELFARE.

  2. I was going to call them animals but I realized animals have more intelligence. This is the devil at work.

  3. The irony is strong with this movement. And it goes both ways. Get your popcorn people.

  4. Saul Alinski's plan is working.

  5. Why didn't the restaurant owner call the police and have them arrested?

  6. Al, Al, where are you????

  7. It happened in Oakland, CA yesterday too.

  8. Good reason for license to carry a concealed weapon.

  9. Beware of still waters. I have always said "take it till you can't take any more" then count to ten. The whites are getting tired of being blamed for every thing that goes wrong in other peoples lives when our life is sucking right along with you. Stop blaming and start changing. Food for thought only. map

  10. Let them go to Texas or Arizona where the concealed carry laws are fair. New York citizens brought this on themselves by empowering thugs and making the law abiding citizens sheeple.
    The thugs know they have nothing to fear in NYC.

  11. Let's see, liberal New York City, getting back, just a little of what they've worked so hard to help create for our country, black equality, pro-black, hands up, black lives matter, rather poetic, in my opinion?

  12. I'm still waiting for them to block the road I'm driving on!

  13. If they worked they wouldn't have time for this nonsense.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Let them go to Texas or Arizona where the concealed carry laws are fair. New York citizens brought this on themselves by empowering thugs and making the law abiding citizens sheeple.
    The thugs know they have nothing to fear in NYC.

    January 5, 2015 at 2:33 PM


  15. CCW or carry anyway. Your life matters!!


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