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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Attorney General nominee defends Obama immigration changes

WASHINGTON (AP) — Confronting skeptical Republicans, attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch pledged a new start with Congress and independence from President Barack Obama Wednesday, even as she defended the president's unilateral protections for millions of immigrants in the country illegally.

"If confirmed as attorney general, I would be myself. I would be Loretta Lynch," the nominee told her Senate confirmation hearing as Republicans showered criticism on the current occupant of the job, Eric Holder. They said Holder was contemptuous of Congress and too politically close to Obama, and repeatedly demanded assurances that Lynch would do things differently.

"You're not Eric Holder, are you?" Texas Republican John Cornyn, one of the current attorney general's most persistent critics, asked at one point.

"No, I'm not, sir," Lynch responded with a smile.



  1. WHY can't a caucus from EVERYONE be considered?

  2. This is stupid sh1t. The questions are ludicrous, and an insult to the Citizens.

    She needs to be tossed aside immediately.

  3. if Eric Holder had a twin sister

  4. If anyone did their homework they would find out she is worse then holder another radical and she will be confirmed because the republicans do not have the will to stand up

  5. she looks like a relation of al not so sharpton/


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