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Monday, January 05, 2015

Anti-Police Progressives: No Justice, No Brunch…Or Something

As anti-police protests peter out across the country, progressive activists are becoming increasingly desperate to maintain what they saw as momentum for their cause. But, as is the case with any dying movement, when the larger crowds dwindle, the only people left are the extremists and radicals who have no appeal to anyone outside of their fellow radicals.

A handful of these radicals took to the restaurants of New York City Sunday morning to demand…attention. The attention they got they didn’t much care for.

On Twitter under the hashtag “#BlackBrunchNYC,” they “stormed” eateries offering brunch and draw attention to themselves. Rather than inspire a nationwide movement, they inspired ridicule.



  1. These people are basically anarchists and the police are sociopaths with guns, badges and immunity. We are under assault by Marxists and police staters.

    The U.S. is in serious trouble!

  2. If these lazy scumbags worked for a living, they wouldn't have time to complain

  3. Aren't you glad that you raised your kids to be better examples than these?

  4. aren't they cute...

  5. Get a job..oh wait Obama is president, on second thought just be a jackass, its what some people do best.

  6. They have no future without tax payers.


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