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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Allen West: If Sharpton Says Oscars Too White, Then I Say the NBA is Too Black

Former Florida Congressman Allen West made a good, logical point on his website the other day about all this race baiting going on with this year’s Oscars being “too white.” In fact, it is a point we all have heard before, but one few say on a national stage.

West’s site asked why it is a big deal to have one year of movie nominations that lack diversity when every year in the NBA lacks diversity?

It is a perfectly logical question.

Liberals may be terrible at handling the economy or protecting our nation, but they sure are entertaining. The latest side-splitter comes from the White House official court jester, Al Sharpton.

As the Washington Times reports, Reverend Al “announced he was holding an “emergency meeting” to discuss Hollywood’s all-white list of Oscar nominees and talk about possible action against the Academy Awards’ powers-who-be.”

“The movie industry is like the Rocky Mountains,” he said in a statement reported by Business Insider. “The higher you get, the whiter it gets. … I have called an emergency meeting early next week in Hollywood with the task force to discuss possible action around the Academy Awards.”

Now bear in mind this is only the second time in the last 20 years that only white folks were nominated for best actor, actress or director Oscars, so it’s not like there’s a continuing pattern of racism.

But I’ll tell you where there IS a clear pattern of racism. It’s in the NFL!

I did a quick review of the starting line-ups for the four playoff teams (Seahawks, Packers, Colts and Patriots) and 65 percent of those players are black. I’d say that’s a little lop-sided, wouldn’t you — considering blacks make up only around 14 percent of the U.S. population.

And don’t get me started on the racism in the NBA!



  1. How many minorities own NFL or NBA teams??

  2. 8:22 Not many because only 22% of black people graduate from college. UMES boasts of 16%.

    1. Graduated from umes.. bachelor's degree with 3.5 g.p.a in business management..Attending Salisbury university for finance investments and CFA.. So what's your point again about blacks and graduation again??

  3. 9:28 You capitalized CFA, but forgot UMES. My point is, and is a fact, that only 16% of people, black or white, graduate from UMES.

  4. I'm missing the point where the graduation rate of UMES has any connection to the number of minorities owners in the NBA or NFL.

  5. Well, are they prohibited from owning any team? The answer is"NO". It takes good business savvy and a load of on hand cash. So what's the point or is it just another reason to complain about their failure???

  6. The point is... The NBA is " too black".. because the of individuals that make the ultimate decision about who they hire to their organizations and that's the owner of the team.. 8:22 Michael Jordan is the only black majority owner of a professional team..

  7. Maybe Jay ZEEEEE and Beyond Me can buy a team? Al Sharpton can chip in with the $4.7 million he owes in taxes too.

  8. The day a black man became president is the day affirmative action should have been abolished. How much more equality do you want the United States to show you? Whites aren't the ones killing most of you or holding you down. Yes I'm white and no I'm not racist but I'm growing tired of blacks playing the victim. It perpetuates the problem. Its a problem even talking about race if you are white. Immediately you are labeled as racist even if your wife is black! Someone will argue me on here because of the comments in 3,2,1.....

  9. Let's compare a graduate from UMES , to a 6 grade student in public school. That's about the same.

    1. You should eat some breakfast before spreading hate

  10. 12:50 - Affirmative Action should never have been allowed to start!

    For every person that got a benefit from affirmative action (because they didn't earn their way to what they got), another person that deserved the benefit (because they earned their way) had it taken away!

    The ones that had it taken away, most likely went on to earn something else - and will remember that they were impeded by affirmative action....the ones that had it given to them now feel that the government always owes them something and refuse to work as hard to earn it.

    Not much different than taxes and welfare...I earn a living and pay taxes...someone else is lazy and collects welfare......

  11. The standards to graduate are so low I wouldn't boast...And if you are a minority you just have to show up...I'm a teacher !

  12. After reading comments like these is an indictment against America it show how unintelligent the gullible America is. To the teacher when I was in School they used to say if you want to know how good a teacher is look at their Students. The student is a product of the teacher.

  13. As far as the NBA , the problem they have is trying to Whites that can compete, If you notices the going overseas trying to put more white players in the NBA. and far Allen West , He lost his seat because he is an IDIOT. Why even post what he says he hates himself.

  14. I am a teacher. Please dont look at my students to determine how good of a teacher i am. Many dont care. They dont listen and cant do the most simple things. I see them 5 hours a week when they show up. I cant change them.

    1. First, college instructors are considered professors.. teachers are for grade school.. I'm so sorry you can't get your students to drink chocolate milk and take a nap.


  15. Sharpton is a race card hustler; that’s his self-sought niche. No racial conflict to stir up equals no cash flow and no ego strokes for him.

    BFD that the films and actors/actresses, etc. nominated this year are who they are. It does not mean that Al’s pals were not employed in other films in a variety of capacities. And they have been awarded in years past for a variety of contributions. Just ignore him enough and he’ll be a footnote to history.

    Comments about pro sports are equally valid, except that actual performance enters into the equation, and careers are typically very short. Owners and coaches are driven by Wins and Losses rather than Black or White.

    The sad fact is that UMES enrolls students with much lower average accomplishments in HS and on SATs, and that their eventual graduation rate from UMES or another college is a very, very low percentage of those enrolling.

    Are promising students admitted? Certainly. Given the cohort of fellow students even those who do well at UMES face having their accomplishments scrutinized. While they are the cream there, they may only be the skim in a more competitive setting. Amongst the Lilliputians I’m tall; in the NBA, not so much!

    UMES is in a pickle. They don’t have the resources to influence the education of those applying and if they become more selective they will have a lot of empty classrooms. If they run counter to other colleges and make courses tougher and grades less inflated enrollment and graduation stats will take an initial hit even if the approach would be better for the long haul.

    Back to the topic: My solution is to help ‘save the planet’ by not watching any of the awards shows.

  16. It is about time for whites to no longer attend/ watch basketball games whether it be pro of amateur. Stop buying the products advertised for the games. Remember, it is not about the sport, it is all about the $$$$$.

  17. Who would pay to watch a team of white guys play basketball? I'm sorry but it would be dreadfully boring. Sports are a showmanship profession. If the crowds are bored the seats are empty. That's not black people's fault.

    I'm not going to buy a ticket to an opera of illiterates from the projects.

    Sorry, not sorry.


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