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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

31% Of Students Found To Binge Drink In Worcester; Grant To Target Teens’ Access

SNOW HILL — Alcohol retailers in Worcester can expect more underage sales compliance checks than ever after a recent survey showed county teens had the highest rate of binge drinking in the state.

In a press release today, the Worcester County Health Department, on behalf of the Drug and Alcohol Council, announced it has secured funding to address the problem of underage access to alcohol. As a result, local law enforcement agencies will receive $12,500 for conducting alcohol compliance checks with the nearly 300 retailers in Worcester.

According to a survey conducted in 2013, nearly 31 percent of Worcester County high school-age youth reported drinking five or more drinks in a row within a couple of hours within the last 30 days, a figure that accounts for the highest rate of binge drinking in the state.



  1. OC wants to hire hire 20 year old bus drivers in an area that makes up the largest portion of teen binge drinkers in the state? Are they nuts?

  2. When we were in school Worcester County was said to have invented drinking & drugging because of the beach party atmosphere in Ocean City I guess we were right!

  3. I wonder what a survey at the glorious SU would look like.

  4. 2013 survey, who did the survey, who did they speak to and please honestly folks do you really think anything has changed in years. this is just another survey so government officials can get more grants to infringe on your rights

  5. Look at their PARENTS. Fact.


  6. I'm sure a confidential survey given to teens on a topic like this can be taken as gospel.

    No doubt some kids are drinking, and no doubt some are drinking a bit...but think back to how you might have filled in such a survey a few years back.

    Underage drinking is a problem and to be discouraged. There will be problems getting reliable information but this doesn't sound like it.


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