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Saturday, January 17, 2015

132-year-old Winchester rifle found propped against tree in Nevada desert

(CNN) — If this rifle could talk.

In a gravely voice, it may recite a yarn of weary settlers swaying on horses’ backs in the parched, rocky Nevada wilderness. It may talk about riding in a saddle holster across neighboring Utah more than a decade before it became a state of the union.

Great Basin National Park workers found the Winchester Model 1873 propped against a tree in the desert in November.

Who knows how many years the rifle stood there, after someone left behind the model called “the gun that won the West.” Did they have to depart in a hurry — running from danger?

Or did they not see it, as it stood neatly camouflaged against the arid trunk of the juniper tree?



  1. Everyone seems to think the gun was left there 100 years ago or more, maybe so, but the tree wasn't there then.
    Something is a bit fishy. Junipers live 40 years max in the wild.

  2. Um, there's a website that is aging an up to 1,400 year old sierra juniper, so i think you're wrong. The juniper is also a longetivity symbol in Japanese Bonsai.


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