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Sunday, January 04, 2015

11 Year Old Child Missing In Salisbury

While the Salisbury Police Department once again holds off any official Press Release, they did make contact with Mayor Jim Ireton's best buddies at WMDT to inform the public a child is missing and has been since since Wednesday, (of all things). 

With all due respect, WMDT has the least amount of traffic and why the City refuses to spread the word is truly beyond me but it is what it is. The child is described as a 90 pound black male about 3 feet tall wearing a black jacket. 

Salisbury Police are allegedly calling this "CRITICAL" because of his being so small for his age. There is NOTHING on Facebook or Twitter referencing this matter either. 

Hey Barbara Duncan and Jim Ireton, IF you want results, if we can reunite animals in a matter of minutes, I'm confident we could have found someone who had seen this child and or even know of his location just as quickly. 

I am absolutely amazed that both Barbara and Jim have proven they don't care about a missing black child or they would have come to us first. Let's see, he went missing Wednesday and now it's Sunday.

There is no picture available to show you what this child looks like.  He resides on the 600 block of West Main Street. Merry Christmas Barbara and Jim. Keep up the outstanding work!

Since they are seeking the public's assistance why aren't they using SOCIAL MEDIA to let the public know.


  1. Unreal,where is the local stupid media. And the AMBER ALERTS,and the search teams ??????????

  2. WHERE is the outrage.

  3. When was this reported by the Parents.

  4. Salisbury police chief retaliates for black guy that shot two cops in New York.

  5. I guess SPD doesn't feel he's important enough to take the time to let the public know.

  6. This one time out of all seems serious. What kid doesn't come home for Christmas?

  7. A friend asked me if I'd heard about it last night and naturally I responded with "No". Since no one really pays any attention to WMDT at all let alone as a #1 news source. I asked him where he heard it because I regularly check Sby News and had seen nothing about it on the site. I knew something was fishy because Sby News almost always is the first to post any pertinent news for the surrounding area. This would have been posted on this site. I checked WBOC and Daily Times and none of them had reported it either so clearly it was first released to WMDT. Total BS but I've come to expect no less from Salisbury's local government. Why would you not want to let every person possible know this info and as soon as possible? Personal/Political agendas. Shameful. I don't live in Salisbury and I am so thankful for that because the scum that has been voted into office is pathetic. This 11 year old kid needs his community's help NOW. Because either his parents don't care about him or the public officials don't care about him and one is just as detrimental as the other.

  8. Memo to the Democrats who run Salisbury. Black lives matter.


  10. Something more to this story when did the parent Report this.

  11. Well if the police weren't searching or notifying anyone else so they could help, was at least the black community around West Main St. looking for him.?

  12. 4:10 Why? Obviously there was a hint of who he was with, so what would be the point of stirring up a useless search when he was on his way to Texas?

    Maybe you should search your yard and see if he is hiding behind a bush.

    1. Bc fool obviously the parent DIDN'T KNOW otherwise why would he she make a missing person complaint ? Fool.

  13. Why don't the parents have a picture of their child???

  14. Where is Mary Ashanti when her community needs her?

  15. I refuse to watch WMDT they are pathetic. We only watch WBOC in this house.

  16. If I were the parents and truly concerned, I would have notified this blog first and then the Police and other media, and I definitely would have provided a picture. Joe would have it on here quick, can't say what the others would do.

  17. It is truly very pathetic that the City won't let this blog site have information like this. The information on this kid could have been out there very quickly and people could have been keeping their eyes open but No, at a time like this, they have to play games with a childs life and withhold information. So very pathetic and ignorant on the city's part. Duncan and Ireton quit playing your damn games and get the information out there so people can be aware. There is no sense in the way you withhold information in this town.

  18. That's Ireton's transparency...he takes lessons from daddy Obamy!

  19. Anonymous said...
    I guess SPD doesn't feel he's important enough to take the time to let the public know.

    December 28, 2014 at 1:29 PM

    Don't blame the SPD we all know how racist Jim Ireton is and how much he hates black people.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This one time out of all seems serious. What kid doesn't come home for Christmas?

    December 28, 2014 at 1:49 PM

    You mean Kwanza?

  21. I saw this on Facebook asking the same question. I told them to go to Sbynews for any and all news. map


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