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Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Why The Obama Administration Is So Determined To Start A Race War

No other Administration in American history has manufactured so many crises and committed so many impeachable crimes as the current one

No other Administration in American history has manufactured so many crises and committed so many impeachable crimes as the current one. The number of governmental wrongdoings and pervasiveness of political scandal are as unprecedented as they are unrivaled.

No other US President has acted in such an autocratic manner, and with such impunity. President Obama’s ongoing dictatorial conduct has become so consistent that many refer to him as king, and the first monarch of the USA. To those who have watched him systematically trash the Constitution, tyrant and despot are the more common descriptions.

The entire Executive Branch has become infamous for its predictable lawlessness and chaotic governance, deceptive pronouncements and diplomatic dissembling. Every thing they do, or don’t do, is mired in political calculation and self-serving machinations. Continuation of the facade of political correctness appears to be its central organizing principle, as well as the defining characteristic of so many incompetent ‘czars’ and unqualified politicos.



  1. Blacks assault white people everyday without media reporting.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Blacks assault white people everyday without media reporting.

    December 9, 2014 at 7:10 PM

    cops kill people and their pets everyday without media reporting.

    Get past the hate and look at other issues. If you're that scared of black people move to alaska.


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