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Friday, December 12, 2014

What Is Going on in Kentucky? Residents Report "Emergency Alert" Messages and Low-Flying Military Helicopters

On Tuesday, thousands of Kentucky residents received an alarming “Civil Emergency” alert on their cell phones.

The message was sent by the Emergency Operations Center. Spokesman Buddy Rogers said the alert was accidentally sent out “during testing” and was the result of a “computer error followed by a human error.”

Rogers said the message was sent to cell phones via the Federal Communication Commission’s Wireless Emergency Alert system.

From WTVQ.com:

According to the FCC, the Wireless Emergency Alert system is a public safety system that allows customers who own certain wireless phone models and other enabled mobile devices to receive geographically-targeted, text-like messages alerting them of imminent threats to safety in their area.

Paul Joseph Watson of Infowars reported that many residents find the messages – which are meant to warn people of immediate safety threats in their area – invasive.

Here’s Watson reporting on the story:


1 comment:

  1. Am I the only person who has seen the totally silent helicopters locally? For whatever reason they typically fly at night & have minimal lights.And they are always black.If it wasn't for the lights they would pass overhead unnoticed.If the FAA didn't have a minimum light requirement they probably wouldn't have any at all.


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