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Monday, December 01, 2014

Waller Road Transfer Station Going Solar

Quite a bit of progress has already been made on the new solar panel field on Waller Road. 

While this may be a good use for this property, do YOU feel as taxpayers it will be worth the investment?


  1. No not worth the investment look at real cost per KWH. If concerned about hydrocarbons look closely at manufacturing process and replacement

  2. It depends on the deal they got!

    Solar City put together a proposal using some common-core math that would have allowed them to make too much money - as well as taking all of the credits. I shot their numbers full of holes, then they came back with a better proposal after they figured out I wasn't a typical uneducated tree-hugger...I was looking for a good deal for me too!

  3. Do the math. If you add in the cost of the land, and the state and federal incentives, you discover that this is a waste of hard-earned dollars.
    But of course, the government will hide the real cost through taxes and spreading the higher electricity rates to all Marylanders.

  4. This is being built to run the dump shack and the port-o-potty.

  5. The investment should have gone into building a ramp for the 'Walnut Tree Road' transfer station., that's where this money should have gone.
    Carrying cans up a full one story flight of stairs or trying to toss plastic bags over the 8+ foot wall of a dumpster isn't what most other transfer station users go through.
    It's a GD waste and near crime when 'actual' community benefit is overlooked for something so unnecessary.


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