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Monday, December 01, 2014


Reserve Officer Mark Doyle
(December 1, 2014) – Two Ocean City officers recently finished first place at the Maryland State Pistol Championships in Frederick, MD. Reserve Officer Mark Doyle and Police Officer 1st Class Daniel Jacobs finished first place overall as a two man team taking the State Champion title scoring higher than other competing municipal, state and federal law enforcement officers from across the state. To earn the title, RO Doyle and Pfc. Jacobs shot varying numbers of rounds from several positions at distances of 7, 15, 25 and 50 yards with semiautomatic and revolver handguns.

Police Officer 1st Class Daniel Jacobs
RO Doyle also took third place overall for the “distinguished semi-automatic” competition, third place in his class in the “open revolver” competition and first place in his class in the “open semi-automatic” competition. Pfc. Jacobs earned second place overall for the “distinguished revolver” competition, first place in his class in the “open revolver” competition and second place in his class in the “open semi-automatic” competition. In distinguished competitions, the firearm may not be modified whereas the open competitions allow modifications to the firearm.

Both officers are eligible to compete in the National Police Combat Championships in New Mexico. The event was hosted by the Maryland Police Combat Association and is registered through the National Rifle Association. For more information about the competition, visit www.ppc.nra.org.


  1. Way to guys! Good job! Just use a little care if you pull me over!

  2. Reserve Officer Doyle? Does he really have police powers and carry a weapon while on duty in Ocean City. What is a Reserve Officer? Does Reserve Officer mean he doesn't get paid?

  3. Lee Stevens of the WCSO has trophies and t shirts from the many gunslings that he has won.

  4. Anonymous said...
    Lee Stevens of the WCSO has trophies and t shirts from the many gunslings that he has won.

    December 1, 2014 at 10:27 PM

    Joe can you start blocking this person and his childish comments.

    1. Lee Stevens is cool. Why would anyone want to block a comment with his name in it?

  5. "Tweenst the eyes at 10 feet!" Repeat.

  6. "Police COMBAT Championships"?????
    Combat??? Really? Who exactly are they at war with --- that's where "combat" happens.
    And who doesn't think the police are becoming militarized, not only in equipment and arsenals, but in ATTIUDE???
    We, the people are NOT enemies of the state. And the police should not be labeling their competitions with ANY name that in any way references "combat".
    I suppose that makes the boys and girls who have NEVER been in combat feel like they are some real bad-asses.


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