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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Today's Survey Question 12-22-14

Would you have a problem helping ANYONE 
get something off the shelves at any store?


  1. As long as it isn't a glass container.I helped a lady get a jar of spaghetti sauce once and busted three more jars on the floor.Embarrasing as heck.

  2. Yes, Michelle Obama. I wouldn't get her a sip of water if she was dying of thirst. Anyone else no problem.

  3. i would help if i could. thanks and merry christmas sjd

  4. If they followed me around taking advantage of it yes. Lady in Walmart does that.

  5. I have helped people in the past get stuff off the high shelves and will have no problem in the future.

  6. hell no! id call them racist if someone asked me to help!

  7. A polite request is all that it would take!

    Civility is not a strong suit for some groups of shoppers - I would direct them to management for assistance.

  8. I have and always will...unless Michelle asks.

  9. A nice gentleman saw me staring at the a top shelf at big lots this morning. He grabbed what I needed and smiled. I said thank you and wished him a happy holidays.

    Thanks !!

  10. Yes, I've helped people before in this situation. Last time was a lady in a wheelchair.
    As far as the First Liar she's a piss poor excuse for a human being and the epitome of all that is wrong in the black communities.
    You can take they out of the ghetto but you can't take it out of them. Blacks ought to hang their heads in shame over these abominations.
    Making a race issue out of something that happens 1000's of times on a daily basis in this country. Best thing that could happen is that the abominations drown in Hawaii. The world would immediately become a better place with none of them in it. They serve no useful positive purpose and anyone who thinks so serves no useful positive purpose either.

  11. I stand at 5'1" and have to ask for assistance all the time! I am not racist, I am however Vertically Challenged, LOL! So I appreciate everyone's help!

  12. when someone looks like they need help, I will try to do what I can. if I can't do it I will try to get someone who can. this is a no brainer...of course I would try to help. been doing this as long as I can remember. do unto others as you would want them to do for you.

  13. do unto others as you would want them to do for you. no brainer.

  14. Also being "vertically challenged" most people don't ask me to reach the high shelves. I do however, offer to help someone who is in a wheelchair or motorized cart.

  15. Just did it last Thursday at Walmart....how hard is it to help another human being?

  16. I would and have no problem helping anyone in need. The only thing I take away from all of this retoric is not to ever ask a black person for help, because I am white I am automatically racist, aren't all of us 'crackers' racist? (sic)

  17. As long as I don't feel U am putting myself in danger. Had some women in an antique store hauling out a dresser. They stopped right in front of me talking about needing help. With health insurance as it is, I declined to help them, explaining, if I hurt my back or dropped it on my foot, they wouldn't pay my medical expense.

  18. I have helped before and would again. I think it all depends on the circumstances

  19. Of course I would and do. This question comes from Obama who in typical ghetto fashion wants everyone to do for her but wants to do nothing in return.
    You can dress them up but you can't take the ghetto out of them.

  20. 7:03 has hit the nail directly on it's head. It's the ghetto way. Lazy and not wanting to do a thing but wants everyone else to provide and do for them.
    Of course the First Liar would make something out of a common courtesy that people experience every day both blacks and white.
    It comes from her lack of decent parents.

  21. I'm 6'3", i've done it quite a few times. Nobody's ever called me a racist for doing it nor have i thought anyone racist for asking for assistance.

  22. I'm going to help people as long as I am able. I will help move furniture and not worry about what IF I drop it on my foot, I'm going to help and keep on moving afterwards. It is a sad day when we have to question if insurance will cover or am I in danger. We're in danger every day just sitting in our homes. Stop thinking so much and start doing. Set yourselves free.

  23. It certainly is true that the Obama's ooze low class and ghetto. Everything about them reeks "I'm ghetto garbage." Taking that into account, it shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone, that she would make a big deal out of doing a good deed, that yes people do all day long across the country and think nothing of it.
    I don't think anyone should pay her any mind. She is a very poor example and a totally classless representative of the US. Even the Royal Family refused to invite her to the wedding of Prince William and Kate. That was a first that a US president wasn't invited to a UK royal wedding. They didn't want to foul their air with her.


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