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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Today's Survey Question 12-18-14

Do you agree with Obama's changes with Cuba?


  1. He has not made one rational foreign policy decision beneficial to the U.S. during his time in office. Amoral and self-serving ideologue.

  2. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.This should happened decades ago.

  3. Only once the Castros are gone. Then think about "normalizing" relations. Never forget that "In"Fidel Castro is the one that wanted to point (and shoot?) Russia's nuclear weapons at us from his shores. Let the old geezer die before we ever reward his bankrupt regime with any kind of resumed trade. He should never live to see the embargo lifted. That would be just wrong. But it is just like anti-American Obama to try and do something like this.....

  4. Absolutely, time to end 50 years of a failed policy. Too bad another President didn't do it sooner.

  5. Pope Francis is a true hero for brokering this deal. Finally a real Christian Pope.

  6. Yes its about time.

  7. "long overdue" How ridiculous!
    Surely those that think this is long over due are one of the pathetically stupid voters.
    What's in it for us? It's a damn shame that those who think this is "long overdue" have such little regard for their own children-a damn shame.
    All this does is open the doors for more companies to operate off shore. Picture a smaller China and much closer to the US.
    Anyone who thinks this is good is the epitome of an ignoramus.
    Francis is doing the devil's work on earth. Only thing he should concern himself with is the way Cubans are treated in Cuba and nothing else. Don't be fooled into thinking he is a Christian. His actions have shown the opposite and to follow him is a sin. He's a fake. God doesn't like fake Christians or those who support them 12:00.

  8. Tell them 12:18 Calling the Pope a Devil.

  9. Anyone who thinks this is good is a first class fool. If anyone thinks for one second this is going to benefit anyone other than the Castros you must be living under a rock.
    More jobs leaving US soil, only to be then worked by the Cubans for peanuts and abused, just like in China.
    What a country of fools the US has become!

  10. This pope is doing the devil's work on earth. He's a spawn of the devil himself. The poor Cubans are going to be forced to work like dogs all for the benefit of the Castro family is all this is going to mean.
    Catholics with a brain are hanging their heads in shame over this.

  11. Pope is a puppeteer for big business still operating in the US who are looking for lower labor costs closer to the US than China. The Cubans are being used as slaves. Yes I think this makes him the devil.

  12. I don't understand any rational argument against diplomatic relations with Cuba.

  13. Only the US Chamber of Commerce and "business leaders" plus some low information people are applauding this.
    Yep, all this is another door opening for companies to move offshore so they can manufacture in countries where people work 24/7 for very low wages.
    This is not a good idea nor 'long overdue' by anyone's stretch of the imagination.
    Even Cuban Americans are mortified by the thought and know the ramifications and that things will only get worse for the Cubans back in the homeland. The people in Cuba are going to be forced to work all to line Castro's pockets and they dare not complain. They have no way to fight back.

  14. Since when does our muslim president listen to the pope.

  15. 2 hours ago I booked a room at the Hotel Plaza in Havanah for one week in June.Hawaii can pack sand,because Cuba is it's equal.

  16. 12:43
    Since yesterday, apparently.

  17. How can anyone in their right mind compare the work force in China, to Cuba, come on man.

  18. NO!!!
    Obummer has just sunk America's standing once again. Cuba made out like the bandits they are and the American's got nothing, other than the return of Mr. Gross. Don't get me wrong, it is great he is once again on American soil, the way it happened is not in our best interest.

  19. "Anonymous said...
    2 hours ago I booked a room at the Hotel Plaza in Havanah for one week in June.Hawaii can pack sand,because Cuba is it's equal.

    December 18, 2014 at 12:50 PM"

    Why in the world would anyone even want to go to this 3rd world country? Can't you see the ghetto type "celebrities" that go there? Should tell you it's not exactly a classy place. You must not have checked out the reviews for the hotel either-dump!
    If you like beaches try Ibiza, Spain, St Tropez in France, Monte Carlo in Monaco or the Isle of Capri in Italy.

    1. Who needs all those places. We got the O.C.

  20. 12:50, you've got to be kidding. You go right ahead and go to Cuba, I'll take Hawaii any day over Cuba.

  21. 12:56 No one's comparing the workforce in the 2 places. What people are saying (it's all over the news dem politicians too) is the fact that the people are forced to work long hours in China in American companies for low wages and the bulk of the money goes to line the pockets of the Chinese government officials. Same is going to happen in Cuba.
    It's not like it rocket science or anything. This is a bad idea all around when someone like Castro is the leader.

  22. We have not ever been forbidden to go to Cuba. Just have to go to Canada and fly from there. Certain groups like missions, educators and others have always been allowed to go too. I know of such mission trips. What I do know also is they weren't without armed guards. Being taken hostage has always been a concern, like what happened with Gross. You best believe the celebrities who go there have armed guards within their entourage.
    No one is their right mind is going to travel there now, without body guards. Obama has set a precedence with trading the prisoners for a hostage.

  23. Reagan saw growth for the U.S. when he pushed for gobal economy. How wrong was he. Mexico thrived with U.S. businesses going there. Did you ever stop and think why they chose Mexico over Canada. Cheap labor!

  24. I can see the comparison to China's workforce. The workforce in China is handled like labour camps under the watchful eyes of communists managers. This leaves little room for discussing an uprising much less planning one. To the communists people not busy are more likely to rebel. This is what is happening in Cuba and Castro knows what can happen. This will be a way to enslave the people more because they will be forced to work and not given much money because it takes money to rebel.
    Very few do benefit. The biggest benefit is to the companies and to the government.
    This is a horrible horrible idea and anyone who thinks it isn't is not very informed.

  25. So worried about the workers in China why do you shop at Walmart?

    1. NOWHERE else to go fool,thanks to clinton killing small businesses just like obama is activity doing now.

  26. Hey Venezuelan president chavez start placing your Nukes and Spies un cuba while obama is kissing another COMMUNISTS ASS.

  27. "Anonymous said...
    So worried about the workers in China why do you shop at Walmart?

    December 18, 2014 at 2:38 PM"

    I haven't been in a Walmart much less shopped in one in years. The last time I was in one was when it first opened in Dover DE, years before any were in Salisbury.

  28. Go Ahead and get all goody goody happy happy about the "new" relationship and watch the Missiles fly over the Red, White and Blue in just a short time. They shouldnt be trusted. Just another move for Obama to Communize this country.

  29. 2:52 Chavez died in 2013, time to catch up about that and what is right in Cuba.

  30. Might as well be Chavez 3:33 as Maduro was hand picked by Chavez as his successor. Dare we ever forget, the names may change but not the brutal ideology, which doesn't even think of people as humans.
    What a sad sad time for those stuck in Cuba and to hell with all who are fooled by evil Obama and the fake holy man some call pope. They are evil wicked men and so are those who follow them. God will strike them both with a painful incurable disease and when both take their last breath it will be a time for celebration.

  31. HaHa! Obama idolizes Castro and Che Guevara. He considers himself political brothers with both of them!
    He is them.

  32. Obama could be setting up diplomatic arrangements with Jesus himself and you guys would find something wrong with it.

  33. People should be outraged over this especially those who were so "outraged" by the recent report on US torture.
    Torture goes on daily under the Castro regime. Those subject to it would see water boarding as a welcome reprieve from the brutality they are subject to. "Political prisoners" they are called.

    The Obama supporters are the most disturbing of people. Stupid? Uninformed? Or just evil and wicked like Obama?

  34. Don't be ignorant 6:06. Only a half wit would try and make a connection between Jesus and the Castros.
    Basically what Obama is doing is bailing out the Castros. That's it that's all. The stupidity of the American people who agree with this is nauseating.
    Cuba economic conditions have been deteriorating and along with that came loss of millions in the pockets of the Castros.
    Subsidies from Venezuela have stopped adding more to the Castros concerns. In comes Obama to the rescue and is bailing them out.
    Only a stupid SOB would think this is ever going to benefit the Cuban people.
    Jonathan Gruber hit the nail directly on it's head. The Obama voters are so damn stupid it's pathetic and it is time you all are reminded of your stupidity loudly and often.
    Stupid Fools!

  35. Obama came to office in 2009 promising a new era of engagement with U.S. adversaries, and engage he has. Perhaps his Cuban “reset” will turn out better than have his efforts with Russia, Syria, North Korea and Iran. Given the tyrannical nature of the Cuban regime, its confiscation of all monies received by businesses, Cuba's continuing erratic imprisonment of foreign businessmen, sometimes for sentences stretching to 20 years, its especially brutal brand of Communism, and given that Obama nor the supposed religious "leader" some call the pope asked for none of these conditions to change, I doubt it.

  36. This is a good example of sharing the bed with pure evil. Demonstrates Obama's left leaning towards communism. OBAMA IS A TRAITOR AND A COMMUNIST, PERIOD!!

  37. The Cuban people has suffered lives of utter hopelessness and cruelty 100% due to Castro and communism. It ain't changing. This will just give Castro more tools to spread oppression and fear.
    Commies don't yield power via free trade or tourism

  38. 7:54 is correct. The fact that Cuba was even willing to negotiate shows that they knew the end was coming. Their two benefactors are hurting, and Cuba had nowhere else to turn. We could have negotiated a good deal for the Cuban people, but instead, we gave them more years of the same oppression.

  39. We should love the idea of normalizing relations with Cuba, if we get in return some more freedom for the Cuban people. But instead, Obama threw away our greatest bargaining chip and got nothing in return.

  40. North Korea would not openly threaten 9/11 and Russia would not invade Ukraine when Dubya was in power. That's just two examples. There are many, many more. It's the m0ron's weakness and lack of understanding what Presidency entails that is making this country a target of every two bit dictator in the world. But hey, he's the first black president.

  41. Cuba has endured situations far worse than what the U.S can inflict by way of the Embargo which is only carried out by the United States. China for example, has invested heavily in Cuba along with the European Community in fact which also criticizes the government and has had more influence in that regard than the U.S . Second, sadly Cuba has in fact won. Our use of downgraded relations to effect regime change has been the longest running policy failure in world history. It has not resulted in any changes and has inadvertently protected the regime from criticism for its chronically poor economic performance by serving as an excuse for it . Third, what Cubans call " the biological solution " is already in effect. Raul, who is more practical than his brother , is already 83 and has appointed his successor who is much younger as well as an economics minister trained at Harvard. Change is going to have to come from Cubans themselves and they are not all that anxious to live in U.S raw style of economic determinism.

  42. The dictator brothers of Cuba got exactly what they want, and we got... well, nothing. It sounds a lot like our climate agreement with China.
    Any bets on how this turns out? The Cuban people were just sold down the river. Viva Fidel!
    All those spontaneous demonstrations of joy? The Cuban government prevents anyone from earning more than 20 dollars a week. This is going to help so much in the face of that type of restriction. LOL.

  43. Obama has now scripted the next two years for the Cuban people. They have now felt the first flirtation with obama. His amateurish ways will cost everyone in Cuba a great price. Obama and his staff are the new jayvee team of politics. He has driven American into a hole and is now looking for new friends because he's angered our old friends. I feel the Cuban people are about to experience now what we have endured for the past six years; an amateur who offers flowery speeches with zero substance. Obama just gave the Castro regime a fresh coat of socialist paint.

  44. The Dembots and totalitarian fetishists are hard at work. Meanwhile Obama, who is as markedly dumb as the typical grad student, did something that is vile and amoral and still pats himself on the back. Like North Korea, Castro enslaved his people and imposed crippling poverty on a nation. And now Obama rewards the Castro regime for nothing despite having immense leverage to press for reforms in exchange for normalization. But people do not matter to Obama, just futile, meaningless, adolescent symbolic gestures.

  45. Human rights was the only thing that the Obama administration said that they want from Cuba. Coincidentally, the UN definition of human rights includes food and sexuality, but not representative government. Of course it helps that Cuba has been on the UN human rights committee.

  46. Did anyone notice that the PR photo taken in the office of the attorney for the recently-released American USAID worker had a picture of Che on the wall?

  47. Many who SUPPORT ending the embargo, are nevertheless upset Obama extracted not a single concession from the Cuban regime to liberalize or end the brutal treatment of it's citizens.

    Cuba's military is everywhere and owns and control most of the tourist economy as well.

    I recall a few years back.. Fidel was upset when Forbes ranked him one of Latin Americas billionaires. Fidel was embarrassed, as any good socialist should be.

    Obama failed to negotiate even the most basic of a good deal. Instead he has re-confirmed he is the favorite President of Americas' enemies, the worst friend of our allies.

  48. 2 concerns,
    1. We have to prevent the Administration from putting the U.S. taxpayer on the hook for rebuilding Cuba not just with aid, but things like financing or insuring trade and investment. Go to the market and pay market rates. Cuba wants to import something, they should pay all. Not the US taxpayer.
    2. This prisoner swap will make it much more dangerous for American tourists in much of the world. Terrorists all over will now realize that this administration will swap a kidnapped American for their terrorist in a US prison.

  49. Why have other presidents been so reluctant to open relations with Cuba and lift the embargo?

    Because they know that the economic benefits would only fall to the government. This new found economic boom would be used to benefit our enemies, especially the Russians, who would then find a Cuba able to afford and maintain naval and intelligence facilities on Russia's behalf only 90 miles away. This new found trading power of Cuba's would be also useful for arms sales to and from Cuba to places such as NoKo and Venezuela.

    Strengthening our enemies is something that at least Carter and Clinton had the sense not to do. But not Obama, because he's just a stupid SOB straight out of the ghetto.

  50. Way too one sided.......he never negotiates in the USA best interest. Sure makes you wonder who's side he's on? Just another political move in the long list of major screw ups done intentially!

  51. Obama is trying to do everything in his power to screw the American people for voting Republican in the last election. Now we will get another influx of illegal immigrants from Cuba.

  52. At one point the Italian mob ruled in Cuba. Now Louis Farakhan and company will rule. I have no issue with it but there is something we are not being told. Maybe he will move there when this is all over. What a wasted term in office. The sad thing is he set Black America back forty years.


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