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Monday, December 29, 2014

The Interview was censored for release

Sony cut 10-minute Kim Jong-un gay orgy scene from 'The Interview' before releasing it to theaters

Sony producers censored The Interview when they released the controversial movie last week, editing out at least on racy scene depicting North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un participating in a gay orgy.

The scene was described in a version of the film's script, which was released online in a hack on the Sony production company, but did not appear in the film released online and in a few small movie theaters.

The hack is believed to have been carried out by a group with ties to the North Korean regime, which threatened action against Sony if they released the movie critical of their leader.



  1. They had to delete the scene when they found out it was actually a fantasy of Obamas.

  2. Oh God, like any of us care about this B movie soon to be free on Hulu in a month!

  3. Keep right on taunting the young unstable guy with nukes. He's right on Chinas border he could wield more influence over them if he really wanted to.

  4. why is this still in the news?


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