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Tuesday, December 09, 2014

The Conversation Black Parents Have With Their Kids About Cops

NEW YORK (ABC News) - Black parents say they've long known they have to have a different conversation than their white counterparts when it comes to talking about police with their children.

As the nation struggles with recent deaths of black males at the hands of white police officers, that conversation is more important than ever, black parents like Roland Nicholson say.

A lobbyist in Washington, D.C., Nicholson told ABC News today that ever since his sons were adolescents, he has been educating them about how to deal with law enforcement.

"I tell them, when you're in the car and a white police officer pulls you over, put your hands on the dashboard or the steering wheel," he said of his sons, who are biracial.



  1. I'm White and if I get pulled over, my hands are always visible, and I have my license and registration out before he comes to my vehicle. I am polite and respectful as well. I don't answer questions, and I don't consent to searches.

  2. Good advice no matter what color you are.

  3. , and I have my license and registration out before he comes to my vehicle

    You might want to reconsider doing that. The cop could see you searching around and think you are going for a weapon.

  4. I never knew white people had conversations about the police with their kids.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I never knew white people had conversations about the police with their kids.

    December 10, 2014 at 12:51 PM

    can you make better sense?


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