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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Sony now says the will release The Interview on Christmas day

It seems that Sony will be releasing their film The Interview after all.

After announcing they would not distribute the film following the reluctance of many theaters to run the picture in the aftermath of a terrorist threat from hacking organization Guardians of Peace, Sony has now decided to allow the film to play in selected theaters and on video on demand on Christmas.

The studio released a statement on Tuesday confirming the news, and James Franco shared his joy on Instagram, thanking President Obama before taking some time to mock him after flubbing his name during a news conference last week.



  1. It's probably cheaper to release it than fight with the actors over the lost points on the back end.

  2. This was PROPAGANDA by sony and we all fell for it.


  3. Um..... another movie did it? A distraction maybe? Didnt buy the bengazi movie BS either...interner security seems to be goal here...more controls coming our way maybe? For the children of course...but only after a big boogey man goes BOOM#@/^&..so we can justify the wasted funding of homeland insecurity agency

  4. 5:40-More importantly Obama fell for it hook line and sinker.Bear in mind they aimed for the top because he was the only one who could give them the assurance of a safe release.Now the liability is on him.Whatever happens next is his baby.He had no idea Sony would do a 180 after his famous "I wish they had said something to me" speech.Hilarious

  5. That's right! I'm glad everyone woke up.

    It was Obama's fault when they didn't release it. Now it's Obama's fault that they will release it. just another distraction from Benghazi.

  6. I guess Hollywood runs the country now? And Obama is their biggest clown actor! Hillary's stories are believable? North Korea's threats are what we crumble to? Really????

    We need a new president, even if it is Joe Biden.

  7. Now we boycott the movie, stealing Hollywood's marketing strategy, or North Korea's marketing strategy, whichever comes first. Who is our Hollywood actor/ basketball player who is bestest friends with Kim Jung Kill?

    Oh, yeah, Dennis Rodman. Where is he on this

  8. tell us someone who cares!


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