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Monday, December 15, 2014

Soldier Santa Surprise


  1. this is so over done now.

  2. 10:41 it is not like you are required to watch this "overdone" stuff.

    When Mommy or Daddy is away in Service, protecting us - comes home after a month, 6 months or a year - seeing the surprise homecoming is never over done. These videos always bring a lump in my throat and a tear to my eye. Kids (and spouses) delight is so special.

  3. Got a little something in my eye. This is beautiful no matter how many are watched, I still cry a little. And 10:41, your bitterness is showing.

  4. hey 10:41...are you gonna sneak into Whoville in a few days and steal all the toys, too???

  5. 10:41, are a communist or just an anti-American? Maybe you should put an uniform on and do a tour of duty in a hostile area.


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