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Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Small Businessman Murdered by Tax Enforcers

Eric Garner’s death was a senseless act of State brutality. But Eric Garner is not dead because he was a black man. He is dead because he was suspected of daring to sell a legal product without charging his customers an outrageously high cigarette sales tax the State demands. He died because in the eyes of the State, he questioned their authority to enforce tyrannical laws. The darkly ironic thing is, liberals are protesting the death of Eric Garner, but liberals are the reason Eric Garner is dead. Liberals are the ones who called for sales taxes of several dollars per pack on cigarettes. In fact, it was the Obama Administration that raised the federal sales tax from .39 cents per pack to $1.01 per pack. In New York City, where Mr. Garner was slain for not obeying the State, the total sales tax is $5.85 per pack. It wasn’t about “black”, it was about the green: Money the State wanted.

Now, I have a few questions. First off, Mr. Garner was accused of selling “loosies”, that is, individual cigarettes from an untaxed pack. So, where now are these cigarettes Mr. Garner allegedly had? And how can the State demonstrate he was actually selling them and they weren’t his own for personal use even if he did have a pack on his person? Everything I’ve read says he was “suspected” of doing it when the police approached. Did they see him doing it? Or did they assume it? Be that as it may, the so-called “crime” he committed was selling a legal-to-possess product that was his to sell without extorting a ridiculously high sales tax from his customers. If he was doing that. What difference does it make what price he was selling them at? If he wants to sell them below cost, what business is it of the State? If he got them in a state with lower taxes, so what? Is it just as illegal if a person buys a crock pot in a state with lower sales taxes, brings it across state lines, and sells it out of his trunk? In the eyes of the State, it probably is illegal. It probably says so in a law code book as thick as the New York City phone book. Do we actually own personal property or not? If we do, why are we not allowed to sell it as we see fit? Why is it the right of the State to demand some of that money? They already taxed the money we used to buy the product in the first place.



  1. If you want to stop the oppressive Government, you must stop the enforcers.

  2. 10:28 - which means that the police will soon be outnumbered when they arrive at a scene and will get mobbed for doing their job?!

  3. LOL "small businessman" He was a lowlife criminal with more than 30 arrests.

  4. 30 arrests for what? I'll go out on a limb here and take in the observation that he has no transportation, so importing them from another state is probably not the case unless he bought them on the black market, which has not been brought to the table by police, so it's not true.

    With that said, he buys them in local stores, thereby paying his cigarette tax. Since cigarettes are taxed by the pack, and not individually, he commits no cigarette tax crime; only maybe a sales tax crime, if any at all. After all, he's not a licensed business with a storefront that is in that business, and neither is anybody else. I'm not sure the City even offers a license for this, so why would he be in violation of anything in the first place?

    I'm trying to find a crime here, but I can't.

    So, tackle me and watch as my overweight body suffers and dies from your assault.

    Revel in it, guys!

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    LOL "small businessman" He was a lowlife criminal with more than 30 arrests.

    December 9, 2014 at 12:31 PM

    how many years did those 30 arrests span? do you know? so you care? do you even know what those 30 arrests were for? do you know how many convictions resulted in those 30 arrests?

    and then there is the 'lowlife' comment you make. do you know Eric personally? do all lowlifes try to support his wife and 6 kids? he worked for the state of NY at one time. have all of you forgot the MILLIONS who don't have a job?

    how does selling cigarettes make anyone a lowlife? is everyone who sells cigarettes a lowlife? just the ones who sell untaxed cigarettes? are the people from Salisbury who travel to De. and Va. to buy cheaper cigarettes lowlifes?

    did you know you are only allowed to possess two packs from another state? would it be ok to kill your lowlife self for anything over two packs?

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    10:28 - which means that the police will soon be outnumbered when they arrive at a scene and will get mobbed for doing their job?!

    December 9, 2014 at 10:54 AM

    how many times was that excuse given at Nuremberg? How many times was that excuse successful?

    Why should it be successful now?


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