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Sunday, December 14, 2014

SFD Calls For Service 12-13-14

  • Saturday December, 13 2014 @ 21:07Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Saturday December, 13 2014 @ 20:35Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Saturday December, 13 2014 @ 19:33Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Saturday December, 13 2014 @ 18:02Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Saturday December, 13 2014 @ 17:10Nature: Fire AssistAddress: 215 E Vine St Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Saturday December, 13 2014 @ 16:55Nature: Burn PatientAddress: 309 Charles St Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Saturday December, 13 2014 @ 16:32Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Saturday December, 13 2014 @ 16:11Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Saturday December, 13 2014 @ 15:03Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Saturday December, 13 2014 @ 14:31 Nature: Vehicle Accident w/InjuriesAddress: 2703 N Salisbury Blvd Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Saturday December, 13 2014 @ 14:14 Nature: Pro Qa FireAddress: 926 Snow Hill Rd Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Saturday December, 13 2014 @ 12:45Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Saturday December, 13 2014 @ 10:33Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Saturday December, 13 2014 @ 09:51 Nature: Vehicle Accident w/InjuriesAddress: Beaglin Park Dr & Glen Ave Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Saturday December, 13 2014 @ 09:28Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Saturday December, 13 2014 @ 06:52Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Saturday December, 13 2014 @ 04:24Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Saturday December, 13 2014 @ 01:24Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury


  1. Saturday December, 13 2014 @ 16:55Nature: Burn PatientAddress: 309 Charles St Salisbury, MD 21801

    These are the driving directions with distance and time to the PRMC ER. They could have gotten to the hospital quicker by personal vehicle. Maybe even by walking.

    Via E Church St 0.98 miles
    2 mins based on current traffic

    The farmin on the scene called for helicopter availability. Then waited on scene. Talked to Bayview Burn Center. Then requested Trooper 4 to meet them at the Salvation Army Football field. Called for a fire engine to standby. Fruitland Fire Department ambulance went to stand by(squireled the call). Utility 1, Assistant Chief 1, Paramedic 16, Paramedic 16-2 and then Engine 16 ended up at the Salvation Army. Think there was enough equipment there? Then when they met the helicopter, Trooper 4 they had to wait for the Fire Marshal coming from Fruitland. All this time the poor child is suffering from painful burns. They could have taken the patient direct to PRMC a Trauma Center and let them treat her until a decision was made where to transport her. So all this time the paid firemen are leaving this poor child away from the professionals at the hospital. Salisbury, especially where they picked that child up is only a few blocks away from the hospital. They could have controlled her pain much better. They wasted a lot of on scene time which is unheard of since the hospital is so close. They made that poor child suffer to long and that should be investigated. Although I doubt seriously and investigation would look the other way. The citizens of Salisbury deserve better care than that that is provided by some of the crews. This comes from poor leadership in the Salisbury Fire Department.

    1. If you were an EMT you would understand it all. Don't like it? Complain to MIEMSS, they're who controlled how this was handled. Burns only come secondary to trauma. Since her injuries were burn related Maryland protocol requires a dual consult. Due to service area burned and age she had to go to a pediatric burn center, not a trauma center. PRMC is not a burn center. The Salvation Army is used as a landing zone because it's known to already meet the requirements. Protocol also requires and engine and ambulance on stand by at the landing zone. I'm sure the doctor authorized some kind of pain management and the child was receiving the necessary fluid challenge per protocol. The best possible card for this child was definitive care at a pediatric burn center. Which came from being flown direct and not going to PRMC. Because once PRMC gets their hands on them it's an inter facility transport. Which would have not been done by MSP. Costing the family more money and wasting predacious time. Because the accusation that you make against EMS also stands for PRMC. They can't do anymore for the victim than the paramedics did. You are talking out your rear end and have no clue what a call of this nature requires. Don't believe me? Email Dr. Alcorta, Dr. Todd, or any other physician you can find on MIEMSS site, they'll tell you the same thing. So please educate yourself before you try to bash someone.

    2. Man autocorrect really bit me on that post. Won't be posting from my phone anymore. Especially if I'm telling someone to educate themselves. Lol

  2. You my friend have no idea. She was burned and needed to go to a burn center. Hopkins wanted her from the get go. If she had gone to PRMC, she would have been there for hours before they sent her. She was given excellent care. You are very disgruntled towards SFD, must be someone who either could not have gotten hired or in as a volunteer. Maybe you need a new hobby.

  3. First of all Charles St. isn't a couple blocks from PRMC. If you had any knowledge of the MIEMSS protocols you would know why the providers provided for the child in this fashion. All moves were made per Maryland protocol with a medical consult. I will not even entertain your comment on personnel or apparatus that handled the call. You have proven without a shadow of a doubt that you have no clue what your commenting on. You concentrate on complaining and we'll keep on providing the best service possible.

  4. I find it interesting that a person can recount every move of an emergency incident from what they heard on a scanner. Paid firemen did this, Engine 16 did that and Fruitland squirreled the other. Commenting on every aspect of the call and yet never in a capacity to render any aid of any kind. A Sunday morning quarterback with a Paid Man complex.

  5. Yeah I'm a scanner jockey listen at home. Them there farmin are doing a good job on this there call. I need to arm chair it to try and make them look bad. I really tried to be a farmin and could not cut it now I have a massive crush on them and listen to them all the time.

  6. This makes me so sad. You all are complaining about who should have done what, what about the girl? I personally was a burnt at age 10. I feel her pain, and nightmares. It lasts forever. The things you see in burn centers are unforgettable. The scars are emotional and physical. Pray for her to recover and heal, not blame those who were trying to help her. Stay strong sweet girl. Xoxo

  7. Anonymous said...
    You my friend have no idea. She was burned and needed to go to a burn center. Hopkins wanted her from the get go. If she had gone to PRMC, she would have been there for hours before they sent her. She was given excellent care. You are very disgruntled towards SFD, must be someone who either could not have gotten hired or in as a volunteer. Maybe you need a new hobby.

    December 14, 2014 at 2:47 PM

    Funny how you are an expert on the systematic care and the spokesperson for PRMC. PRMC didn't give you permission to lie about their care and the time of care. She would have been stabilized with much better care than you clowns could provide. Get a real job!


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