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Tuesday, December 09, 2014


We recently posted an item about S.C. Rep. Greg Duckworth – a newly elected “Republican” from North Myrtle Beach, S.C. who apparently believes the best way to silence his critics is to sue them.

Duckworth should fit right in at the S.C. State House, where the most powerful elected officials in the state respond to criticism the same way our founding editor’s eleven-month-old daughter responds when she doesn’t get her way.

Which is to say loud, shrill, seemingly interminable shrieking …

Seriously, the skin of the average lawmaker is thinner than the garlic sliced by Paul Cicero in the movie Goodfellas. And it appears to be getting even thinner.

In their latest bid to mute the popular dissent, lawmakers have proposed modifying the rules for anyone providing testimony before legislative committees. Under the new proposed guidelines, any citizen who provides “materially incomplete” testimony to a committee could face jail time. And of course the definition of “material incompleteness” is left to the discretion of … you guessed it … lawmakers.

Additionally, lawmakers want citizens who testify to provide the names of those who bankroll their organizations.

Crazy …


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