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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Salisbury's most infamous fake homeless guy, Nic Parks, still at it.


  1. How can these people do this. Does he not have a job or is he just not looking for a job.

  2. But you have to love the fake limp.

  3. having a better Christmas than me??????????? Doubt it.

  4. There is an easy solution to this. Give him money. He is a drug addict and if he continues on that path he will die.
    Feed his habit and he will die and no one will be bothered by him ever again.
    Sorry if this offends but Nick himself needs to hear the truth and face the reality which is his time on earth is limited only because of the choice he continues to make.

  5. I don't know what the hours, pay or benefits are, but panhandling is a job. He could just sit home and collect gummint benefits.

  6. His job is to beg for money.

  7. He's a heroin addict. Every cent people give him goes to feed his habit. I can't seem to find his FB anymore but at one point he swore off drugs in a post, because he found it so humiliating to have to beg on the street for money to pay for them.
    People have witnessed him getting downright irate when someone gives him a bottle of water instead of money. Some have seen him throw drinks and food items away.

  8. Everything he receives is tax free he earns 100 + per day and he has been there for over 3 years do the math. He also receives his entitlements.

  9. Not true 11:18. He stays there long enough to get enough money for a heroin fix is all. He and all the other panhandlers wished they made anywhere near that amount. Lucky if they get $20 in a day and it's mostly change.
    He's been in and out of jail his whole adult life.
    He was looking to get some kind of disability because someone told him he has PTSD. Don't know if he ever did. He was working construction. Don't know if he still does. He panhandled when he was working because the pay wasn't enough to pay for his drugs.

  10. I avoid going to Salisbury unless I absolutely have to. What I noticed about this picture is he has on a new jacket since that last time I saw him. I guess he figured the camo would make people think he was in the military and give him more money. Pathetic POS.

  11. Spread the word about this scammet

  12. 12:05-that horse is already out of the barn

  13. I gave him a buck or two when he was standing out in 100 degree heat. I could not stand out in that heat and beg. It was only once. If he does it on a blizzardy day, snow, wind etc, I may donate.
    I consider that desperation, on nice days I consider it lazy.

    Yea I know, its not logical, but I work hard for my money, and in my mind so should he.

  14. Why is he allowed to panhandle in the middle of the highway? He is definitely milking the Christmas Holiday as he disappeared for months. This is taking $ from hard working people who take pity on him, isn't that a crime? Are not scam artists doing a crime?

  15. he preys on the soft hearted there are people out there that I actually need help because of scam artists like him everybody turns a cold shoulder

  16. Does it really matter? I've given this guy at least 200 and I could care less. If he's an addict, he needs help and if people want to judge, help him. There are plenty more things to worry about such as our tax dollars blown and Salisbury being in the dumps.

    1. Your part of the problem,enabler moron.

    2. Pos military scam artist.

    3. And why did you have to bring military into this? I bet you would never say that to a vets face who has given up more than you can ever fathom. Just cause he has a camo jacket on you bash the military? You are worse than this guy much worse.

  17. Stop giving him and the other stinky addicts money. I am sick of seeing this pos in the corner. All you soft hearts are encouring this kind of behavior

  18. 1:19

    I'm going to assume your lying or otherwise stretching the truth. If you really have given him that much cash, you are a total moron.

    1. It's true. Explain why I'm a moron.

  19. 3:58
    There are 22 comments above yours. Which one are you talking to?

  20. Why can the police not stop him? Isn't panhandling illegal? Or are they too caught up in their collective bargaining bullshit? Put your retirement plans on hold and do your jobs. Lmao.

  21. This A**H*le is going to cause an accident (if he hasn't already). WHY DOES THE CITY PUT UP WITH DIRT BAGS LIKE HIM!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Maybe the police should observe him. When he gets enough money for his heroin, he will go to his dealer and they can arrest both of them.

  23. We should form a group that follows him one day from place to place with signs telling hardworking people who don't know about him. Chase his sorry butt right out of town.

    1. I've thought about doing that myself. Great minds Think alike?

  24. claiming to be military for profit is a federal crime its called stolen or false valor BIG time no no

  25. Let him panhandle if you throw him in jail with the rest of them it will just cost the us the tax-payers even more to feed, clothe and supply him with free rehab all on our dime. The average inmate costs 30-40k a year more than poverty wages is a completely absurd figure but true.

  26. He told me this past summer that he could not get a job because he was a convicted felon.
    On another occasion a friend an me drove by and ask told him we had a job for him, he didn't want $10 per hour to help us rake leaves. And then said he was waiting on a call from a "state" job for $23/hr. And now he's wearing real nice fatigues and sporting a beard? go figure...

  27. Where's the IRS when you need them?

  28. Saw him today hobbling to his favorite spot on 13 in Salisbury at the main commercial intersection. Noticed the hobble gets more pronounced when he is at his spot moving around, not so bad further away, such a strange malady. With all his dedication and discipline for mooching he would probably make a good worker!

  29. What would.Jesus do


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