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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Russian shops show resentment by putting out American flag doormats

Russian business owners are using American flags as doormats as resentment over U.S. economic sanctions puts the squeeze on traders.

Customers have been filmed wiping their feet on the fabled stars and stripes as they enter and exit stores across Moscow, as struggling retailers take a hopeless swipe at their Cold War adversaries.

Negotiations between the two nations are currently deadlocked over Russia's involvement in the Ukrainian crisis and the U.S. has initiated hard-hitting economic sanctions to try and force a compromise.



  1. Who cares about the Russians.

  2. Hey, Oblama, STFU and crawl back into your hole.

    This is called NONE OF OUR BUSINESS.

  3. Made in china,make one with pukens face on it.

  4. My door mat has BO's face on it. Also bought the BO tp.

  5. You just don't understand. Putin is doing the ONLY option for Russia to resist being overrun by Muslims like the rest of the world, US especially.

  6. Sad. thank you B.O. for all you've done to destroy and make us look bad.

  7. Well on the other hand... Kim Jong-un had a hollywood movie made about him where he was mocked, and then later blown up by an American with a tank. Perspective: Keep it wide enough to understand the fishbowl we live in friends. The world has become a small place where in order to be friends, you must recognize and accept each others differences. That includes opinions...

  8. Can we just not do business with or send money to the countries that do things similar to this?
    No didn't think a bit of common sense would go over to well but thought I would try

  9. Spread out the stars and stripes and they could play Twister on it.

  10. Our own Constitution allows this freedom of expression, and this should upset no one. This is the freedom out kids are fighting for, not some BS war for oil that the Commander in Chief has them doing.

    These men and women have heart enough to defend our Constitution and our borders and the lives and livelihood we all enjoy here at home.

    It's unfortunate that these fine individuals are being used as a team by their Commander in Chief as more of a terrorist organization than any thing that resembles the protection of America and its borders, where tens of thousands of who are known to crosse our borders every day for absolutely any known reason.

    Where are our troops? Being used in an oil bargain, and heroin, and arms, and two bit dictatorships.

    Obama uses our young men and women as his whores, and wonders(not) why they come home with PTSD.
    Gog bless our troops and their spirit.

    They joined in a sworn effort to work for us here at home to protect what we have, but have been then been given different orders by an Idiot in Chief.

  11. You guys are backing Putin? Really? That really is taking hate Obama derangement syndrome too far.


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