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Sunday, December 07, 2014

Remembering Pearl Harbor


  1. What a beautiful and somber place Pearl Harbor is. Been there twice and will go again. It will send chills down your spine just standing on the Arizona Memorial and aboard the USS Missouri

  2. What a slap in the face that there's no mention of Pearl Harbor anywhere in the Daily Times today, yet there's 2 full pages about a secretary retiring! Chickens on the front page, because they are more important on this day than the many veterans that lost their lives that day?? Absolute idiots!!

  3. Are students even being taught anything about the attack on americans at pearl harbor by the japanese? Apparently December 7th,1941is not a day that will live in infamay. It is a real shame that young people don't know anything about our history.I guess facebook and the rest of social media is more important.


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