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Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Ready for Hillary Already Blew Through $11 Million and is in Debt

Considering that there isn’t even an actual campaign yet, how did Ready for Hillary manage to blow through $11 million? Hillary’s trips are subsidized by whoever is covering her speaking tour or campaign stop. Or by her non-profit Clinton Foundation.

Ready for Hillary consists of a website, some shoddy merchandise and a really bad country song. How does that cost $11 million?

The group has raised more than $11 million since its 2013 founding, picking up hundreds of big-name Democratic donors, the New York Times reported.

By Thanksgiving, the group was in debt. According to the group’s FEC disclosures, the group had $875,626 in the bank but also owed a $1 million loan that was intended to expand the organization’s grassroots operations for Clinton–including its ill-advised country song ad.

“This investment, used to fund our massive post-midterms direct mail program, will pay dividends from now until Hillary announces her decision” on whether to run for president again, said Seth Bringman, a spokesman for the group.



  1. Expect her to spend the country's money the same way......!

  2. I assume she plans to run the Government as poorly as she runs her own finances. Oh, that's right, she's a Democrat. They don't care about debt. The National Debt is up 70% in the 6 years Obama has been in office.

  3. Hillary Clinton - non stop corruption laced with non stop lies. her past would be America's future if elected. One snake replacing another snake. A real life calculating B++++.


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