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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Rapper shot his VH1 star wife dead and then killed himself

The rapper who shot his VH1 star wife and then turned the gun on himself while FaceTiming boxing champ Floyd Mayweather had flown into a rage over her alleged fling with a singer known as 'Mr Steal Your Girl'.

Earl Hayes, a friend and associate of Mayweather Jr., shot wife Stephanie Moseley, a dancer who starred in the show Hit The Floor, over her alleged infidelity with singer Trey Songz.

Hayes is believed to have shot his wife and then turned the gun on himself at a high-end L.A. apartment complex, according to police sources.



  1. How could this be when all of our black citizens are crying the blues about how much the police are responsible for their behavior???

    I thought black people were our role models for perfection?? Yes, I am being sarcastic.

    Maybe we'd better contact the good Rev. Al "the Kook" Sharpton on this one. I'm sure he and he cronies have a good explanation. Maybe it's the gun's fault, or white people are to blame for no other fact than being white.

  2. Because I'm completely sick of hearing a pack of thugs play the race card about how hard their life is. Give me a break.

    Get a job and work for living, follow the rules and give respect to authority, pay your taxes instead of sitting home on welfare and collecting food stamps, then we can have a discussion.

    why are you so lost?
    No pity, no mercy. Keep that in mind.

  3. While you are most certainly entitled to your opinions,If you’re sick of the race card being played, you should put it down. Did you even read the article? or just playing cards? “No pity, no mercy” and No Commonsense

  4. I guess he doesn't watch football because if he did he would've seen all the stupid commercials condemning domestic violence.

  5. Anonymous said...
    While you are most certainly entitled to your opinions,If you’re sick of the race card being played, you should put it down. Did you even read the article? or just playing cards? “No pity, no mercy” and No Commonsense

    December 11, 2014 at 5:36 PM

    Yes and they are no different than the common thug Michael Brown, they just got lucky and made a little money to live more comfortable. Obviously they weren't role models and the female was a cheating tramp.

    1. Typical hate comments!! God bless


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