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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Rand Paul Slams “Stupid” Militarization Of Police

"Try to explain to me when terrorists are going to attack North Dakota"

Senator Rand Paul, poised to announce a presidential campaign for 2016, blasted the ongoing militarization of police in America as “stupid” and “ridiculous”, saying Monday that using the threat of terrorism as a reason is a tired excuse.

Asked if the US should decrease the authority of the government expressed via law enforcement, Paul said “I think we could start out with no longer dispensing bayonets to police forces.”

“FEMA gave out 12,000 bayonets last year. That’s just stupid.” The Senator urged. “We are giving out mine-resistant ambush protection vehicles — 20-ton vehicles. Dundee, Michigan, a town of 3,000, has a 20-ton mine-resistant ambush protection vehicle. That’s ridiculous,” he added.



  1. Remember why Salisbury got the Fireboat? Homeland security said it's not "if" but "when" our harbor will be attacked by terrorists.

  2. Its not for terrorists. Its for sheep herding.

  3. Just take a look at the muslim population of Michigan. I don't think it's too far fetched. Everyone ridiculed Oliver North when he tried to warn them of bin laden.

  4. A lot of time the police make the argument that they need the MRAP vehicles for situations like School shooting.

    If a kid is walking through a school shooting at people I certainly do not want the police pulling up to the school in an MRAP and hiding in it.

    How is an armored vehicle going to help police stop a shooter that is in a School or movie theater ?

    Bottom line...There is no reason for the police to have this sort of equipment.

  5. I think the police depts don't need any weapons I can't get. An armed populace is a polite populace.

    And I think the laws against recording them possibly using these items is a direct affront to the First Amendment. Since when is a cop doing his duty something that needs to be kept a secret? If I saw a TANK in my neighborhood I would want to record the 'use' without worry about becoming the target .


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