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Monday, December 01, 2014

Rams players should be PUNISHED for 'hands up' Ferguson protest, say St Louis cops

Police officers call on-field gesture 'offensive' as they demand an apology

Furious St Louis cops have demanded that NFL players who made the 'hands up, don't shoot' gesture in solidarity with Ferguson protesters are punished by their superiors.

Officials from the St Louis County Police Association - the police union for the area including Ferguson - said that it was 'profoundly disappointed' in the five players who made the gesture.

Officers released an angry statement saying the players 'ignored mountains of evidence' vindicating Darren Wilson over the shooting of 18-year-old Micheal Brown, for which a grand jury recently declined to indict him.



  1. I kind of agree with the policemen on this issue. Here the league is asking for protection at the game for it's players and fans--asking the police for this protection, then they come out on the field as though they are joining the protests.

  2. see money can't buy class. look at the obama kids.

  3. Amen 11:56am there's not enough money in the world to buy class for any of them..
    There point might be well received if that kid had his hands up but surrendering was not was he was looking to do...the NFL should absolutely punish those players!! The are inciting riots when that wasn't the issue!! Maybe they should read or listen to the news before they make fools of themselves and the NFL!!

  4. I agree They should be punished.. right after cops are held responsible for using mobile devices while driving.. speeding while not on call.. and using intimidation tactics.
    Off duty "white" police officer kills woman over road rage where 's that post.. cops have an us versus them mentally.. visit the vocal academy at Worwic.. witness the disconnect between cadets and the rest of the students.. black, white, red, brown, yellow doesn't matter we are all consider threats.. explain how cops can kill children if they feel threaten.. but if a parent enforces physically punishment they face imprisonment.

  5. The NFL needs to decide if they are with the criminals or the police.

  6. Disgusting gesture by non-heros and non-role models. Just because they can play football doesn't mean they can understand trial evidence.

  7. I have no issue with them doing it, it is their 1st Amendment right. However, seeing Kenny Britt, arrested 7 times, do it was laughable. C'mon man!

  8. Dump the NFL and the NBA. This is the kind of simple crap that your patronage supports. And these are the kind of worthless people that you're making wealthy.


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