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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Pending Chicken Manure Regulations Fan Debate In Md.

When Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) hits his last few days in office next month, he plans to enact dramatic new regulations for farmers who use chicken droppings to fertilize their fields.

The move could further bolster O’Malley’s environmental résumé ahead of a possible run for president, demonstrating to Democratic activists that he is not afraid to take on the state’s powerful poultry industry in a quest to clean up the Chesapeake Bay.

But it is also likely to collide with the incoming governor, Republican Larry Hogan, who has promised to fight what he described as “politically motivated, midnight-hour” regulations.



  1. has anybody heard from everyone's hero Liberal Jim on this subject?

  2. The best way for the governor to fix this is to require the poultry company's to pick up the poop when they pick up the chickens for slaughter. This will negatively impact the major poultry companies in the area (although they are better prepared to deal with the issue) and positively impact the local growing farms - instead of spreading the poop around to get rid of it, they'll get a little less revenue - but spend less to take care of it themselves.

  3. 8:53 - Liberal Jim is hiding on this one...he was able to delay the publication of the PMT until after the election as Mike would have won otherwise.

    Too bad we don't have a recall process here...Liberal Jim (always working for liberals) would be in the process of getting replaced soon!

  4. Senator Mathias has been very active on this issue. Why do you think the Farm Bureau endorsed him?
    Perdue will take litter for free from any farm to their agri-recycle plant in Seaford.

  5. They have been hauling our litter away for several years now.i guess your readers are as uninformed as the masses on the western shore

  6. So, are they trying to stop farmers from using manure as fertilizer? Are they supposed to use commercial fertilizers instead? Oh, that's right... look how much money comes into the state with transporting commercial, artificial fertilizers, and they are far worse for the bay and applicators. F this gay state.

  7. 12;16,environmentalists have controlled this for years and I hope Gov Hogan can change it.


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