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Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Parents, Legislators Push back Against Common Core

New standardized tests under the Common Core education initiative aren't scheduled until spring, but backlash from parents and educators is in full force this fall. And the debate is moving into the state legislatures.

States' adoption of the Common Core State Standards Initiative, a set of K-12 learning standards designed to measure students' college and career readiness, has been met with resistance.

"We don't like them," said parent advocate Leonie Haimson, executive director of Class Size Matters, a nonprofit organization that advocates for smaller classes in public schools. "We don't trust them, and we don't think they're helping our kids learn at all."



  1. Common Core is the most ridiculous thing to come down the pike. Want to know who's responsible? FOLLOW THE MONEY!

  2. hopefully our new Governor will realize that his education advisor is responsible for implementing what Jeb Bush is now calling the "minimum" standards called Common Core...

  3. Common core is just another one of the commie avenues to destroy this country. It is designed to confuse and dumb our children down, which is critical to their plan. A stupid society is easy to brainwash and control and is necessary as they put out more and more absurd propaganda. It's all in the playbook.

  4. Just wait it out. When the same subgroups don't learn, as they haven't with any curriculum in recent history, we'll throw everything out and hunt for something they can do.

  5. Joe,

    I would like to offer a previous posting I made on this subject for your readership - originally posted in September at:



  6. You can throw any type of learning method at any group but without initial discipline it won't work. Why do you think the armed forces have boot camps?! And do you think our sugar coated society would allow that if any type of discipline in our schools?

  7. What we going to do about this when Jeb Bush is president?

  8. A woman came here from China and was dismayed when when she saw her children in American School being taught China Core.

    She said it was the same program as at home in China.


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