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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Paint, Conceal, Shoot: Individuals painting their guns to make them look like toys is terrifying

The thought of children getting a parent’s gun is terrifying. Taking the right steps to keep guns safe and away from children should be a top priority for gun owners- but that is not always the case. Parents are not using locks or other safeguards to keep their guns away from children.

To make matters worse, individuals are now cloaking their assault rifles, pistols, you name it, with paint and plastics to look like a child’s toy or even a full on, out of the box, squirt gun. It is a recipe for horrific disasters. Not to mention it leaves police in a predicament- to shoot or not to shoot?

Guns are being confiscated all over the country that, at first look, appear to be straight off the aisle from the toy section at Wal-Mart. But that, sadly, is not the case. The picture gallery below is a collection of a few of the many weapons out there that have been modified to no longer look “deadly” or like a usual black or silver firearm, but rather a child’s toy.



  1. All the more reason to shoot first and ask questions later.

  2. 11:34 - shoot right so there will only be one person to ask questions of.....you!

    If someone brandishes something remotely resembling a weapon, they deserve to be taken out.

    If kids want to play cowboys and indians or cops and robbers, they need to do it in their own backyard.

  3. This is not a problem in Switzerland. Do you know why?


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