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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Opposition to de Blasio reaches new heights

The opposition to Mayor de Blasio reached new heights Friday – with a plane flying a banner reading “De Blasio, Our Backs Have Turned To You” over the Hudson River.

Ashley Chalmers, owner of Jersey Shore Aerial Advertising, the company that flew the banner, declined to reveal from the airborne plane who hired him for the flight.

John Cardillo, a blogger and former NYPD cop, tweeted that he was contacted by a “coalition of NYPD cops, Detectives, and supervisors” and asked to release their statement:

“As a large and unified group of current and retired NYC Police Officers, Detectives, & Supervisors, we are outraged by the mayor’s incendiary rhetoric, and for facilitating the current hostile climate towards the NYPD. We understand that the department and even our own unions can only go so far in their public condemnation of the mayor as to not irreparably damage the working relationship with the city, or future contract negotiations.



  1. How did this moron get elected?

  2. Money. And just because they are rich doesn't mean they are smart


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