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Monday, December 01, 2014

Obama Signs Executive Order Indicting Officer Wilson!

The White House has announced that President Obama will sign an Executive Order indicting Officer Wilson for the shooting of Michael Brown. True to form, President Obama was quoted as saying “The hell with the Constitution, double jeopardy be damned!” This comes as no surprise given his total disregard for the Constitution of late and his willingness to act unilaterally more like a King, than an equal third of a government, designed to provide a system of checks and balances representative of all American’s.

President Obama boldly stated in his last State of the Union address that he had a pen and a phone and would act on his own in instances where he could not get the cooperation of Congress. With the full backing, support, and protection of the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, President Obama apparently feels he can now extend his Executive Powers into matters typically reserved for individual states, directing the Attorney General for the State of Missouri, by Executive Order, to arraign Officer Wilson on murder charges.

As if a move like this is not ludicrous enough, Eric Holder has already announced that this move by the President will not interfere with his ongoing civil rights investigation of Officer Wilson and the Ferguson Police Department. With Al Sharpton occupying more time in the ears of President Obama and Eric Holder than Valerie Jarrett of late, you can bet finding a way to make this about race is a top priority!


Editor's Note: Please read the entire story before commmenting.  


  1. The author of the article may have given the administration some ideas.

  2. Thank you PRESIDENT OBAMA. .someone has to care

  3. 9:23 hopefully that post is a joke (did you read the story......dummy)

  4. Is this the entrance exam into the society of sheep?

    9:23pm Just jumped in with both feet. Is it more appalling that they didn't bother reading the article or that they agree without reading the article?

  5. Blogger Not Quite Understanding said...
    The author of the article may have given the administration some ideas.

    December 1, 2014 at 8:49 PM

    I was thinking the same thing.


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