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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Obama Approval Among U.S. Service Members Plummets To 15%

The men and women of the United States Armed Forces have never had a lower opinion of President Obama, acceding to a Military Times poll of its readers published today.

Just 15 percent of active-duty Military Times readers approve of Obama, down from 35 percent in 2009 and 28 percent just last year.

Military Times blames Obama's collapse on "the cultural changes he's overseeing" in the military, including gays in the military, women in combat, and anti-sexual assault training. But Military Times own data does not back this thesis up. Support for women in combat and gays in the military have both risen substantially (41 percent for women in some combat roles and 60 percent for gays) over the past year.

What does seem to be upsetting morale is lack of pay and the loss of sense of mission from the commander in chief.



  1. Obama's approval rating among people I know is 0. This is because those I associate with are of a higher class and have higher standards than your typical Obama voter and supporter. They also have morals, principles and integrity, all attributes unknown in the Obama circles.

  2. I hope the voter integrity people are staying on top of the issue of absentee ballots for the military.
    The left would like nothing more than being able to use the same ballot-delay tactics they used in 2012 to disenfranchise the military voters overseas..

  3. Can't believe it's that high!


  4. Of course it is 4:31. According to Defense Manpower Research, as of 11/23/2013, the percentage of blacks on active duty (all branches) was 17.8%. So, just like in civilian life, most blacks support him, but not all. Beyond black folks, very little approval for the job he's doing.

  5. Well said 4:04. I too have stopped associating as much with the libtards I have known. I assure you when things get bad I will remember who the people were that got us into this mess.

  6. A white very liberal person huge Obama supporter, we know called Dr Ben Carson the N-word not so long ago. It shook me up and I don't want anything to do with this person ever again and I won't allow them in my space ever again.
    As much as I hate Obama, Sharpton, Holder and the others I have never called them that word nor any other black person even in my mind to myself. I never even thought to call the murderer of the 2 NY police officers that word. I just don't use the word because it wasn't a part of my vocabulary. My parents didn't use it so we never did either.
    This is what white liberal America thinks of African Americans who tout personal responsibility, honesty, integrity and other virtues.

  7. "Of course it is 4:31. According to Defense Manpower Research, as of 11/23/2013, the percentage of blacks on active duty (all branches) was 17.8%. So, just like in civilian life, most blacks support him, but not all. Beyond black folks, very little approval for the job he's doing"

    This is why blacks have sunk even lower in things like unemployment, home ownership, graduation rates, etc under Obama. They are notorious for picking black "leaders" who have zero positive accomplishments in their lives. They accept being lied to and marginalized after they vote for these "leaders" AND have no problem voting for them again! It's nuts. When and until they decide to up their standards will they ever rise to any meaningful levels.

  8. USN-RET 1979 here!!When did morale plummet?? When DOD brought women aboard ships doing jobs requiring more than a womens intuition!!My last month before retirement was temporary duty as line Chief in a training squadron.
    About my second week I got a call saying "Chief, I can't make it in for a few days as it is that time of the month". WHAT?? Come in a put in a request for leave. Yes, there are many jobs women preform in the services. BUT!! NOT ABOARD SHIP. That is where sexual assaults in the navy started!! I read the NAVY TIMES and I am sickened by todays Navy. In 1972 aboard Kitty Hawk in the Gulf of Tonkin we were at sea for 63 days straight. By the time we got into the P.I, guys were more than horny!! Can you imagine if we had had women aboard?????
    OH YES!! Now standards are being lowered for SEALS so women can fill some of those positions.
    Final words!! "P.C. SUCKS"

  9. I'm surprised it's that high.


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