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Monday, December 29, 2014

North Korea: The starving resort to cannibalism

“Communist Party officials have reportedly been confiscating what little food there is…”

Instances of cannibalism in two famine-struck provinces in North Korea are on the rise, as reported by London’s Daily Mail. What has been tagged as a “hidden famine,” the drought-plagued farming provinces of North and South Hwanghae have been hit so hard it’s been reported that up to 10,000 people have died of starvation.

One hunger-maddened Korean peasant reportedly killed both of his children for food. Undercover reporters from Asia Press told The Sunday Times (of London) that one man dug up his grandchild’s corpse and ate it.



  1. Yeah, American presidents are. North Korea has inferior farmland, South Korea not so. The United States divided the country. Who's really to blame?

  2. Did you know, during the great depression that people starved, not because there was not an abundance of food but because of a lack of money.

    And that farmers were (and still are) prohibited from giving their excess away.

    Apparently in the last 100 years, we have not evolved much. Food, water, shelter. Pretty basic.

  3. From the photo, it looks like Moochelle needs to bulk up on his estrogen pills. He's looking a little flat- chested again...

    He should just get the surgery.

  4. 604. You are mistaken. At no point were farmers "prohibited" from giving away excess food. During the depression farmers likely didn't give away much in order to ensure their own survival. Farmers are encouraged to give away excess today. Take a look at the MD Food Bank programs to pick up donations on farm. 100's of thousands of pounds donated each year.

  5. 3:48 So you're a Communist sympathizer? A liberal progressive revisionist history buff?
    No American president attacked North Korea. Communists and Communism are the problem, never the solution.

  6. 3:48 you don't deserve to live in America.

  7. Nobody on this earth should ever starve, lack medical care or be homeless. There is to much money in this world for that. I know people do it to themselves and some don't. But when it comes to a child....never!


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