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Thursday, December 18, 2014

New evidence sheds light on deadly traffic stop

In May, a routine traffic stop turned deadly for a Michigan retiree, but cell phone video seemed to contradict police accounts of the event.

As in other cases involving allegations of excessive force by police, a grand jury called to look into Charles Eimers' death chose not to indict the officers. Now, a new video is raising questions about what that grand jury didn't see, CBS News' Elaine Quijano reports.

On Thanksgiving morning last year, Eimers drove into Key West, Florida, planning a dream retirement, but not long after arriving he was pulled over by police for illegally changing lanes.



  1. Any loss of life is a trajedy, however there always seems to be a common factor . The common factor is that the deceased always fail to comply with the officers. If people would comply, they would be alive today. Are there over zealous officers? Of course however there are avenues to pursue if you are unjustly accused. Running and resisting is never the answer.

  2. 8:57 what about your rights. or don't you care about them.

    1. There is no right to run from the law or resist.

  3. that's the wrong attitude 857 ... always question authority....you guys are not gods human just like the rest of us...so when they outlaw the Bible or you're forced to take the number just comply?..roll over play dead ?that's your take on this..even if the laws are unjust? because it's the law doesn't make it right. As you can see in Washington and on the streets ...its obvious that the good citizens and the truth don't matter anymore...stuff like this has NOTHING to do with obeying the law..ITS about your tryanical militarized attitudes and ideals that bothers us...recind the patriot act now!!!!this is the soucre of all these new problems..swat teams to raid grammas? .

    1. Absolutely question authority, but don't run if you're innocent.

  4. Again, someone didn't feel the necessity to comply. In this case, why did he run?

  5. Anonymous 1:08 – You are absolutely incorrect. Every person has the right to resist unlawful orders and resist arrest from a police officer. Don’t believe me. Contact and pay an attorney to ask the question and find out the truth. You are simply stupid!


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