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Monday, December 01, 2014

New Black Panthers Accused of Plot to Kill Ferguson’s Prosecutor, Police Chief

St. Louis-area media outlets are reporting that two New Black Panther Party men were plotting to use the Ferguson chaos that was projected post-grand jury ruling as a shield to kill Police Chief Tom Jackson and prosecutor Bob McCulloch.

Both Mr. Jackson and Mr. McCulloch have been widely assailed by defenders of Michael Brown, the teen killed by Officer Darren Wilson on Aug. 9.

New Black Panther Party members Brandon Orlando Baldwin and Olajuwon Ali Davis were taken into custody on Nov. 20 for providing false information while buying guns at Cabela’s in a suburban area of Missouri, federal prosecutors said.

Federal prosecutors also said the two bought what they believed to be a pipe bomb from undercover officers and were going to blow up the iconic Gateway Arch, media previously reported.

The two have been charged so far with aiding and abetting the making of a false written statement in connection with a firearms purchase, the New York Daily News reported.

But now law enforcement say the men’s plot went much deeper — and that the two were actually going to use the violence that was projected to erupt in the streets on the heels of the grand jury ruling as a cover to kill two key Ferguson officials: Mr. McColloch and Mr. Jackson, the New York Daily News reported.



  1. We know that the us government has individuals that are paid to put comments in both foreign and domestic media delivery avenues, the question I have as a local redneck is, is anyone from another country doing the same thing to us? And if we accept that the earlier premiss is true, how far of a leap is it to say that there are individuals that are being paid to whip up this discontent in our own backyard, I pray that these protesters don't try to do in Salisbury what happened in Ferguson, because this town is too small and too connected, somebody wants to break the windows of the store of a women I went to high school with, we are coming into town blazing, and Mike Lewis will be right there with us. This comment section is all fun and games, but you go busting our locally owned stuff up and see what we do to you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It's okay, it's a black gang member killing a white person. Not the other way around.


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