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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

N.C. police chief says 'all lives matter' after officer ambushed by two black men

A North Carolina police chief reminded residents during a remembrance ceremony Sunday that “all lives matter,” after a Durham police officer what shot at in an ambush attack by two black men.

Officer J.T. West was sitting in his marked patrol car in the area of Lakeland Street and Truman Street about 10 p.m. Thursday when he saw two suspicious men approaching his vehicle from behind, police said.

A North Carolina police chief reminded residents during a remembrance ceremony Sunday that “all lives matter,” after a Durham police officer what shot at in an ambush attack by two black men.

Officer J.T. West was sitting in his marked patrol car in the area of Lakeland Street and Truman Street about 10 p.m. Thursday when he saw two suspicious men approaching his vehicle from behind, police said.



  1. The Police will lie for their own with out a doubt.I have seen how cops lie to protect their screw-up buddies.

  2. 9:48 Just STFU. All of these cases have one thing in common... the subjects resisted arrest and did not follow commands of a law officer.

    You people, and even the staff on this site, have the officers blood on your hands.


  3. 10:25....and the police don't??

  4. I have no dog in this fight, but if a loved one was a LEO I would counsel them to find another occupation.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:48 Just STFU. All of these cases have one thing in common... the subjects resisted arrest and did not follow commands of a law officer.

    You people, and even the staff on this site, have the officers blood on your hands.


    December 30, 2014 at 10:25 AM

    If you have to kill someone to effect a kidnapping, you don't deserve to be a cop. And that is why cops like you are being targeted. But you refuse to acknowledge that truth.


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