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Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Missouri Lieutenant Governor: Arrest Michael Brown’s Stepfather For ‘Burn This B**ch Down’ Comments

'He should be charged with inciting to riot'

Missouri Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder has called for the arrest of the stepfather of Ferguson’s Michael Brown, following the emergence of video footage in which he was seen inciting rioters.

Louis Head, was filmed telling angry mobs in Ferguson Monday to “burn this bi**h down,” after the grand jury announced no indictment for the police officer who shot and killed Brown.

What followed was an intense night of rioting and looting, during which several buildings and vehicles were burned by agitators.

Appearing on Laura Ingraham’s radio show, Kinder was asked “When you hear that soundbite from the stepfather of Michael Brown, what’s your reaction?”

“That he should be arrested and charged with inciting to riot,” the state Republican lawmaker immediately answered.



  1. More and more republican leaders are going to have to take charge and prosecute this sort of thing. They have forced our hand in that if they won't be peaceful they will be arrested. There really are laws on the books against inciting violence. It's time for some example setting enforcement.

  2. Oh, gosh,no!He was just saying that he had taken the trash to the burn barrel and needed a match! That was all he wanted! OMG! YO Peoples is so prejidissed!

    It's jest you are so racist!

    He only wanted to protect his chilluns!

  3. I'm sure he will not be held accountable. That's how justice is supposed to work. Even if certain individuals are guilty beyond any doubt, it doesn't make any difference.

  4. It was reported today that he has served time for drug convictions but that should not be important when he's pushing a false narrative about his thug stepboy.

  5. Arrest the goose that laid the golden egg????? NEVER HAPPEN

  6. Did anyone notice that his pants were down below his butt?
    If you listen very closely, I really think he was saying, "Who pulled my pants down?!"

  7. I wish that could happen but watch the freedom of sppech factor will play in somewhere


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